Culture shock, yet again.

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December 22nd 2007
Published: December 22nd 2007
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So I am very sorry that I haven't updated this in forever. The last few weeks that I was in Nicaragua, nothing exciting was really happening so I didn't really know what to write about. Mostly I was just going back and forth between spending two or three days at Chacocente and hanging around Sabana Grande with all my friends. School ended on the 22 or so of November so I wasn't obligated to go to Chacocente. But, since I love it there, I still went anyway. I have now slept in every house in Chacocente and have generally really enjoyed myself. Well, except for when one of my first grade students stole some of my money, but oh well. He comes fromm the most troubled family in the project and although that doesn't excuse his behavior, it sure does explain it. The poor kid is a sweetheart but has no real sense of right from wrong. The poor kid. I don't know if he will ever really understand and it's a shame because you can tell that deep down he means well.

As for Sabana Grande I was loving it as usual. Just spending time with my friends and not worrying about lesson planning or anything was rather relaxing. It also made it ten times harder when I actually had to say goodbye to everyone. My final day at Chacocente was the Monday before I left. (The day I left was a Wednesday) I went to the meeting that we always have on Mondays and said goodbye to a bunch of people there and it was hard! Everyone was saying to me Chelsea don't gooo!!! Come back as soon as possible!! You have to come here the day after you arrive in Nicaragua! And so of course I was just going crazy because I didn't want to say goodbye to them either. Basilia and Pedro and their family invited me to their house for lunch so I spent time with them eating and talking and just hanging out. And Basilia gave me ANOTHER bracelet and a purse she made. Those things are her way of making money and here she is giving them to me. It meant so much to me. Then after I spent a while with their family I went to Veronica's house to spend time with them. Because, well, they ARE my family. I'm closer with their family than the others in Chacocente. I don't know why, I just am. I feel most comfortable with them. So I did my normal hanging out goofing around with them. We don't do anything at their house other than cook or watch TV and yet I never get bored there haha. So then I had to get going and so I had to say my goodbyes to them and those were hard goodbyes. I honestly almost cried. Basilia and Pedro were worried about me walking out because it looked like it wanted to rain so they hooked up their horse to a cart and Basilia and her son Juan took me out on the cart! haha It was so fun!

Hm. Anything else fun? Oh well the sunday before I left me, Isaac, Joel, Chomba, Guillen and Jimmy went to the air force because they have a pool and basketball courts and stuff that are open to the public. I think I only left the pool twice because I was so happy to be swimming. It was really nice to spend the time with them.

Saying goodbye in Sabana Grande wasn't easy either. The night before I left everyone said goodbye in culto. I had to stand up in the front and everyone passed to the front to give me hugs and say goodbye. My two closest girlfriends practically screamed when they got to me hahaha. And then I had to speak to everyone so I just said thanks and all that kind of stuff. People there were wicked nice too, I got some more random presents like earrings from Cony and a teddy bear and bracelet from Joel. The morning I left Guillen, Pedro, Karla, Jimmy, Rafa, my sister and Pablo all took me to the airport. Joel came from college to meet us there :-) And Baru and Janiuska came too. So we all hung out when I had checked in until I had to go wait. It was SO HARD saying goodbye! I almost cried when Pablo was like.."I get the last goodbye" So then I was waiting to board the plane and Hermano Henry, a member of our church, and Joel's stepdad came to say goodbye because he works in the airport. And then he bought me shoes haha. But it was so nice of him to take a break from work just to come say goodbye!! It was not easy at all. I actually cried for a good amount of the plane ride just because that country and the people have become so much a part of me. They are my family. They have very easily gotten in my heart and stayed there!

But, I was also very excited to see Mommy and Daddy at the airport! Since then, it's been an interesting time so far in the US. My parents moved to NC so I am in a new home with a new room and none of my friends. It's an adjustment. But luckily, there is a pretty good latin community around here so I've managed to find a lot of the foods and drinks I ate in Nicaragua and have very happily cooked for my parents and myself. I keep wanting to throw my toilet paper away though haha. And I am FREEZING. My body has this like constant chill to it after living for like 7 months total of heat. I like heat too much. It's been interesting so far. I guess I'm enjoying myself haha. I've gone to the Spanish speaking Methodist church twice already and already have a Nicaraguan friend her in the states. It's been a nice way to practice my spanish. That and talking to all my friends in Nicaragua haha. All in all I'm glad to be here, but I am rather excited for Jan 10 when I go back home! haha



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