carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done, lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more

Published: April 21st 2013
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good morning. happy Sunday to you. this is the Day of Rest, right? yet i am still writing. had a blessed day yesterday. a blessed day of video games (a game called Peggle on the 360 where you shoot a ball out from the top of the screen and try to hit other similar balls that are "hidden" by obstacles (blue balls). once you nail all the red balls with so many pin-ball like shots you move on to the next round. quite exciting! the round ends with big fanfair of classical music and flashing stars and things.), fairs, food, people, and bracelets. the bracelet i am referring to is made of parachute chord, is blue (or teal as Meagan says like papa), yellow, green, and red. it is made of a particular type of knot. not sure which. it is from a small entrepreneurial company called Para Knot Heads. Para meaning parachute. So, all is well. enjoied the burritos from the festival yesterday of food, vendors, people, horses. this was the first year, 2013, of the festival. i did not see a name but i guess it could be called the Silk Hope Variety Fair. They had homemade candles, cedar wood handmade crafts like meditation stools, hanging twisty air ornaments, cedar dust for ant repellent, there were brooms at another vendor made from the blind, or people who are blind. that was the Lions club and the brooms are called Lions Club brooms i believe. i got a frog tattoo from there at the fair as well. tattoo in quotes. the girl pressed it to my hand for thirty seconds then pulled off the backing, and voila, i have a frog on my hand. still there in fact. there were baby ducks that i missed. there was a guitar player, writer, artist selling his book (Bruecke to Heaven: Children of Light). his last name was Tron pronounced trown (tr-own, i think). his first name was Tim. i listened to he and his daughters play some tunes on guitar and violins. they are doing a music camp for kids. good stuff. i heard about a huge barbeque fest in Lexington, NC (from the candle folk Just Makes Scents) that goes on every year. it is supposed to be the Shiz. like over 100000 people. happens in October.

another beautiful day. sunshine and cool temperatures.

i will make it short

i will make it sweet

like cakes i had yesterday

from the man John

bought and paid for

thank you

and Meagan the sweet

and Eric who beats me at video games and sometimes chess

we still have not played chess

and mom

who watches the fire

and buys soap and soap dishes made from recycled materials

and Robert who is always there (even when he is not)

coming soon

leaving soon

and North Carolina with its friendly inner coastal folk of laid back ease

and selling entreprenurial spirit

how i miss the hula

so much dance and twirling action

twisting round and round

like a Phish mad man

Jack Keroac

and Leonardo Di Caprio dancing on screen on film in the movies

bringing the old back from the written word

of beauty and song and dance and adventure and life existence

e, not finishing that word

what word is it?

the Word of God?

Holy book

priveledged to see

tell me what is holy

tell me what is real

tell me yall tell me for real

North Carolina

spring time

tractors and tractor pulls

and meadows of yellow and gold

like the road that goes to the castle of the wizard that will tell you your future of fortune

go make it now

make your fortune

and become

all is well

carry on.

in the words of the prophet Elijah: the flour, or meal, did not run out and there was always oil to be had, according to the Lord.

so may you always have food on your plate and soup in your bowl. may your stores never run dry and may your life be filled with love and joy.

all you need is love

Beatles, i believe


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