How to Stay Connected While Traveling Abroad

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July 13th 2017
Published: July 13th 2017
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Staying unplugged while travelling sounds like a romantic idea that many wanderlust fans have, but they will also be the first to admit that suddenly being disconnected is a big issue. Travelling the world without the hassles of dealing with group texts and emails is a great feeling; however, what do you do when you find yourself lost in some unknown street in an unfamiliar city? Most definitely, having no service becomes more than a mere inconvenience.

Luckily, you don’t have to worry about being disconnected just because you’re in a new country, thanks to these solutions we’ll discuss below.

Use Local SIM Cards

If you have an unlocked phone, simply buy a SIM card every time you step into a new country. This is especially helpful if you are going to spend a long time there. In most cases, SIM cards are available at local cell phone stores or airports once you get to your destination.

SIM card prices will vary, but they are mostly cheap with several options available to fit your requirements. In fact, you can even purchase cards that are valid for a month. However, find out from the service provider or customer care representative at the store what happens when your 4G data runs out. Does your SIM card loses all the data completely or does it just become slower?

Understand Wi-Fi Hotspots

Wi-Fi is your go-to Internet connection whenever you travel overseas since it offers you messaging and Internet access capabilities, despite the international restriction on your everyday cellular plan. This is why you should research beforehand and find out which areas, you’ll be close to, offer a wireless communication aid. Hotels usually have Wi-Fi networks, but most are password protected.

However, international chains like Starbucks and McDonald’s always offer free, reliable and consistent Wi-Fi. While you might have sworn off cappuccinos during your trip, desperate calls and texts call for desperate measures – it’s worth it!

Create an Emergency Plan

While heading out overseas, dialing 911 may not get you far, so it is critical that you understand your destination country’s emergency protocol. In most countries, dialing 112 will connect you to emergency services, but you can verify the details by consulting the State Department for emergency numbers. No matter your data plan, most smartphones have the capability to dial out once data is turned on – worry about the charges later, this is an emergency.

Use Apps to Make Calls

One of the most popular texting apps around the world is Whatsapp, and it comes with a call feature that will allow you to receive and make calls between other users using the same app without dipping into a phone’s cell plan. Therefore, whenever you have a Wi-Fi connection, you can make quick, free calls – a very handy tool for connecting with your travel companions or even family back at home. However, you cannot contact emergency services using Whatsapp.

Download a Map Before Leaving the Hotel

Google Maps has made it easy for everyone to stay on track, even while traveling abroad. Use your hotel’s Wi-Fi connection to download maps and directions and use them offline, ensuring that the map is active without an Internet connection. This means that the trusty blue dot will lead you to the next hottest bar without a service, keeping you out of trouble and on track.
With some planning, you can avoid dealing with horrific roaming charges and still stay connected with family and friends at home. No matter where you are – from a tour of Central Park to a wild safari – these tips will help you avoid staying incommunicado.


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