Day 3 The Fuzz, Heat and aliens

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North America » United States » New Mexico
July 1st 2008
Published: July 2nd 2008
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Guadalupe RiverGuadalupe RiverGuadalupe River

Very nice corner of Texas
Got underway a bit late today, not on the road until 9am, felt like half the day was gone.
Had a quick look around Kerrville and got some nice pics down by the Guadalupe river which runs through the town.
Not sure of the population but is a good sized town with everything you need and the usual stuff you don't
But is still small enough to have that country feel.
Fill up with gas, topped up the oil, yip its using a bit, didn't while only driving around town.
Generally todays trip was another just drive and get there day with only the occasional sight seeing stop and gas etc.
Etc came in the form of a Texas Sheriff, Firstly I wasn't doing anything bad.
I think he was just checking out everybody coming through his "patch".
He was just pulling out from stopping another person, then followed me for a while before pulling me over.
He was nothing like the ones portrayed in movies, he was quite pleasant and after a couple minutes chat I was on my way, to see in my rearvision mirror him pull over the very next car to come along....
Was actually nice
Melting into the distance.Melting into the distance.Melting into the distance.

At least the AC works, oh yeah it dosn't......
to have somebody to talk to for a couple minutes, however am not going to take this up as a way of meeting people, may get a bit expensive.
The scenery in this part of Texas is nice, no big mountains, just low hills covered in scrubby trees which progressively thin out the further west I got.
Finally turned off I10 (after about 2400ishkm on it) at Fort Stockton and headed north up highway 285 passing through a couple of non-descript dusty service towns and past many oil pumps quietly getting about their jobs of pumping.
The terrain had flattened out here with only the occasional rise in the road to hide the next painfully long straight piece of road from the one that you have just driven down......
As I crossed into New Mexico I also crossed my second time line of the trip gaining another hour in my day.
Finally at about 4pm, in 38degree C heat I made it to my destination for the day.
Roswell, New Mexico, the alien thing is promoted well here, just as well as there wouldn't be much other reason to come here.
Not that there's anything wrong with the place, its
New MexicoNew MexicoNew Mexico

Just the spot to work on the tan.
pleasent enough, its just that is a town with a purpose, mainly serving the local industries and secondly servicing aliens.
Those from outer space, and I suspect the odd illegal one also................
And best of all, good fridge magnets!
Will have a better look around town tomorrow before leaving.
Unless I have been beamed off somewhere else in the meantime.


2nd July 2008

Hope the aliens didn't beam up my fridge magnets.

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