Cape May Trip

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December 1st 2007
Published: December 3rd 2007
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Drove down to Cape May with the wife and the monkey in tow. Also the in-laws came along as we got the same room as last year and had decided to stay the whole weekend instead of just overnight. This way we could see the parade and do more stuff. Of course as soon as we get there we see that they have torn up most of the main drag where shopping is going on making it that much more difficult to navigate with a crazy little monkey. The weather held out for the first day and was rather beautiful and we got some walking in and had a good time. Picked up some Christmas gifts and overall enjoyed ourselves.

On Saturday we drove over to the zoo and proceeded to walk around the massive place taking in all the animals. All the while the monkey was in her stroller and was having a blast pointing out the diffrent animals her favorite of course were the Ocelot and the Leopard. At this point the wind started to whip up and it was back to Cape May and Carney's for dinner. Where the had a wonderful grilled salmon that was even better with a Lager.

The mokey passed out early and the in-laws were tired so the wife and I headed over to the parade and met up with some friends of hers and watched the craziness as it colder and colder.

All in all a fun weekend. I'll post pictures later.


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