Last Team Meeting

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January 28th 2006
Published: March 4th 2006
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Sale BarnSale BarnSale Barn

It's not a chain restaurant
Well, today was our last team meeting before we leave. Those of us who live in Kansas City jumped in Gordon's van and took a little road trip to the town of Macon, Missouri where Brock calls home. The day was spent ironing out travel plans and honing our group presentation, but the real treat of the afternoon was Brock introducing us to an authentic Macon eatery--The Sale Barn. As catchy as the name sounds for a fast-food burger chain, this was the real thing. Not only do they have all you can eat mashed potatoes and delicious apple pie, but you can enjoy your meal to the melodies of auctioneers and the smells of livestock. Talk about home cooking!


4th March 2006

The Bus Barn!!
Cindy, I know we took you to the Livestock Sale Barn __ gut do we really have to go to the Bus Barn in Santa Monica?

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