Week Three!

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November 1st 2010
Published: November 1st 2010
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Racing, S'mores and the World's best lasagne!

This weekend I helped one of Linda's friends; Rich, with a Dryland dog race! The race is in Clearwater, MN and is called East meets West and it was pretty awesome! It was quite small for a dog racing championship with there only being about 15-20 mushers competing. There were 5 main events; Caner-cross sprint, Scooter, Bike-jor, 4-rigs and 6 rigs. The Caner-cross as explained before is when the dog is attached to you and your run/walk! Rich had to run 1.6 miles and managed it in 8 mins 53 seconds!! EIGHT MINUTES! It takes me over 9 minutes to run the 1500m at school! He said though that in the second that his weight was off the floor (when you take strides) Mckenzie (his dog, who was previously Lindas!) ran so fast that he was pullled along mid-flight!! But he did really well 😊 The second race he competed in was the bike-jor which involved 2 dogs and is 2.4 miles long. This time he used both Mckenzie and Wahya and came a respectable 5th! The Scooter is literally a sturdy big scooter with a few dogs attatched to the front! And the 4 rig and 6 rig races looked lethal and involed a three whelled chariot type thing (see photos) and went MEGGER fast!Its so funny though, because the dogs are sled dogs and have been trained to run in pairs, during the canercross race Kenzie would yank richard to the nearest person/dog team and try and run alongside their dog!! It led to quite a co-ffufle on the 2nd day when him and a lady's (Julie) dogs where tangled up as they ran through the finish line 😊

The place where the race was held is kind of in the middle of nowhere..! Yes there is a higway next to it but thats about it! So the toilets where less than desirable!! I have put a delightful picture up for you to see (now I am in blogging mode when I go out things like this HAVE to be photographed! I don't have some dodgy toliet thing going on!) It was a toilet yes, shaped like a toilet and looked like one to...but notice...there is NO flush!! If you peep down that black hole there is HUNDREDS of scrap of toliet paper and much much worse! For it is literally a giant hole in the ground that collects waste....b.e.a.utiful I know! So I waited until it was absolutly vital to go! There was also only one food place and they sold something truely brillaint...S'mores!! Now when I first saw the s'mores I thought 'ahh they've wrapped dog food up to be sold how cute!' but then asked the women and she explained to me that this jumbled mess of food was actually chocolate and marshmallows with some funky cereal type thing and it was GOOD!

Just have to mention this...during Lunch I saw this van that Austin Powers himself would have been proud of. It was multi coloured and had....Joy Christian Centre written on...oh..no...yes..again the christians had crashed another party! Ad this time in the form of a puppet show! Amusing at first...oh my god shut up annoying very soon after! And of course they played the song 'Who let the dogs out' with there little damn puppets singing along with created what can only be described as the LOUDEST howling/barking group of dogs to exist as over 50 dogs started joining in at the 'woof woof woof woof' bit >:ยท mmm....thanks Jesus.

Now the racing took place over two days; and on both consective days he had to run the same races, so caner-cross and bike-jor. This then gives an overall time by combining the two and the winners are of course the racers with the shortest time! On day two we arrived at 10:20 and casually got out of the car to check race times etc (His caner-cross was due to start at 11:30 am) when Rich ran over to me shouting "Its starting NOW!". They had bloody moved the times without telling him!! So we ran back to the car, I quickly harnessed Kenzie up and Rich yanked on his caner-cross gear and we legged it to the starting line. Annoyingly we were a minute late meaning Rich got a penalty, he had to start last and his clock was ticking so an extra 4 minutes were added to his final time!! It wasn't good for a competitivie sense as overall with his actual time he would have come 3rd!! But with the added extra's came 8th meaning he lost out on a couple of hundred dollars and a trophy..But he wasn't there for things like that 😊 The experiance is what counted!

Sooo to explain some of the photographs! The 'beware of the atttack squirrel' sign I saw I GENERALLY thought abnormally vicious squirrels where out there waiting to pounce but apparently they were all down the trail to provide some amusement for the mushers 😊 The guy i the dog suit...well he welcomed us in!! And of course I got the ol' camera out and he the said " Great...the photos have already begun!" moohaha 😊
Also in regards to the Worl'd best Lasagne...I stayed over at Rich's the nightbefore and got to meet his wife Kendra and little ones Lexy and JJ. Kendra is the PERFECT housewife! There house is AMAZING! It looks like a Laura Ashley advert but nicer!! I was walkign around it in awe 😊 and dang she can COOK! The lasange was perfecto 😊 So cheers Bakers, you serve good food and a damn nice play to stay!

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