Been a Long Time

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August 22nd 2008
Published: August 22nd 2008
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Well folks it has been a long time since I posted here. A number of things happened (not good) that occupied my time and thoughts.

In March 2008 while still in Texas, Karl (the guy who travels with me) had a stroke. When he was released and able to travel, we left Breezelake Campground, Brownsville, TX and headed home. We didn't even get one mile away when a guy in a pickup, in a hurry, swideswiped my MH. Not much damage, but he tried to put the blame on me. The police weren't buying that, but it put us back 2 hours. Once we got underway, we proceeded north and spent the night in San Antonio. We left the next morning and traveled to Nagodoches and spent the night in a campground there. I forgot to mention that an alarm came on and we were unable to find it all the way home - almost lost my mind. Anyway we got stuck in the campground and had to be pulled out. They had so much rain that all campgrounds were hazardous.

We left Texas, traveled through Arkansas and stayed in Tennessee for the night, then left and traveled home to Michigan. Tired was not the word for it, but I wanted to get Karl home to his doctors. They put him in the hospital here for a week. After release, he has been undergoing physical therapy which worked. He can use his left arm, left hand and left leg now. However, the saga continues. It seems that a doctor prescribed pregnazone for Karl during this period. Well this drug ate on his spine so now he has 5 verts in his back and 3 in his neck that have to be operated on and fused. This will happen Sept 5. Hopfully he will be able to leave the second week of October, heading back to Texas.

Some new developments. New tires for one; alarm fixed; new wooden floor in the MH; new couch; recovered dining room chairs; and a new traveler who will be going with us to Texas. His name is Ray Carpenter. Welcome aboard Ray.


26th August 2008

imagine what your next adventure is going to be!

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