
Published: May 16th 2006
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There is currently flooding all over New England and New
Hampshire! Second worst on record, we are looking at 10 inches of
rainfall in a week! I had to buy a pair of waterproof shoes today cos my
trainers were overfilling with water; it was flowing through the top
through the ventilation holes! The streets were full of water and it made the atmosphere really miserable.

Like a madman, I walked the 2.6 mile freedom trail in the rain today and
back, boy that was daft, even for me, in this weather. However, I did
have an interesting time viewing the old state house, the scene of one
of the events that triggered the 'terrorist insurgency' by colonists
against teh Great British Empire that led to their independence as they
call it in propaganda. Very interesting how they present the British as
oppressors and how liberal they were!! I debated a little with the
people at the museam. There are lots of interesting attractions on the Freedom trail and it is clearly marked with a red line of paint or line of bricks. So if anyone wants to take a view, I would recommend Boston for a first stab at the USA.
I later had a walk around Boston Common in more detail and also Beacon Hill which is reminiscent of Manchester (if it were cleaner) with small streets of terrace brick houses and shops. I later went to the Museam of Fine Arts, which was probably the busiest museam I have ever been to, having to almost queue for each individual art piece was not particularly enjoyable, but the pieces were really fascinating and distinct. Still with the weather being so poor, it forced everyone into the museams.

Its no exhageration that the US folk love their sugary, fatty grub
and polluting cars! There is a popular chain called Dunkin' Donughts in
Boston, no KFC or Burger King, only a few Subway and McDonalds. If you
can't indulge in some mindless consumerism in USA, where can you! Its
the equivaltent cultural activity for meditating in Tibet or viewing the
Sistine Chapel Fresco in Italy!

Onwards to Denver on Monday.


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