first days at camp

Published: June 1st 2007
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Day one:

Arrived at LAX airport and waited around for what should have been 6 hours, turned into 7 hours as the domestic cabin crew decided to turn up an hour late. Anyways so after spending most that time laying around on the seats in the airport come a 5 hour flight to Newark (NY) and it was a horrible flight did not sleep a wink!!! I was starting to feel a bit tired!

Day two:

Arrived into Newark airport at 7.30 am, from there we caught the shuttle to New Jersey to our hotel, the shuttle driver a very proud american decided to give us a break down of all the wildlife, greenery, people, shops, roads, air, sea, anything that he could think of he talked and talked and talked about so our trip to the hotel, was very educational for three very jet laged people. Got to the hotel about 10am and just laxed out, went down to target and brought myself a $15 phone, which was a bargin! Electronics very cheap over here. Then went home and slept till dinner time. We had two crazy girls one scottish and the other english arrive in rachelle and my hotel room so it was a very interesting night to say the least, and i managed to get about 3 hours sleep/

Day three:

Got picked up from hotel at 4am to go to new york to get the bus to Wilmington. We arrived at port authority (in NY city) walked out of the van to the bus station, and literally within minutes we had three bums come up to us at seperate occasions begging for money and ciggerettes, and one dude even decided to call me a F****ing mother F***er cause I said no, I just laughed and told him to go away, he was not too happy with that. Anyways we caught the bus safe and sound two hours later we were in Wilmington and then got picked up by a couple of people from the camp and drove us here to camp which was only 45 minutes away.

So got here yesterday had lunch and tried to talk to people but they were just pretty much self absorbed and kept to them selves, so after lunch cause my training does not start till tonight I just went to bed and crashed.

Day four:

Non eventful day, boring and have done nothing as my training does not start till 5pm tonight so am just chilling out in the hot hot hot sun its about 30 degrees over here, its very hot and dry! But all good will get used to it in time.

Have meet more people and they seem ok.

Catch ya for now, next time I will have photos for you guys.



2nd June 2007

Good to hear from you
Hi there, hope all is going well for you, remember to be carefull and be safe. Great to hear from you, Mum and Dad send there love.. Catch up with you soon Fen and Dom xx
4th June 2007

Hey honey, Oh my sounds like a mission to get there :) Just be your lovely bubbly self and they will love you. Can't wait to hear how your trainin goes... Are there kids there yet? Love ya La
12th June 2007

heya, its going ok, pretty hot over here every day its late 20,s early 30,s the other day was even about 40 degrees so its hot. Missing home, haha, already, this camp is pretty cheesy and over the top, and am not really adapting, everyone is so young and in my face its crazy. But the kids get here next week so hopefully it will get better then. Hope all is well with you. Catch ya later, oh and my regular email is but either one doesnt matter. xxx

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