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November 15th 2013
Published: November 15th 2013
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The seventh circle of the inferno is people who have commited violence to another person. One celebrity that i would put in this cirlce is O.J simpson. I would put him in this circle because her murderd his wife and her lover. Even though he did not pay for it in real life soon he will pay for it in the inferno. He had no remorse for killing the people. But he will pay in the afterlife forever. The second person that i would put in the 7th circle would be chris brown. I would put him in their because he beat up rihannah. A man should never hit a women and he cuased violence to another person and it hurt that person. He also would pay if he was in hell for hitting a girl. The third person that i would put in the inferno is shuge Knight. I would put him in the inferno because he killed tupac the worlds greatest loos. He caused violence against a person thats why he would be in their.


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