A2 RIHLA #11

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December 2nd 2012
Published: December 3rd 2012
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What makes someone a hero is how people view that person if he/she has done something important. We decide who to celebrate by seeing who made great impacts, no matter if it was for better or worse, in our history. Not all people agree on who should be celebrated as a hero since other people have different views on those who are already established heroes. People who were considered heroes back then in earlier history may be be viewed in the same by someone else in this period. It is not that easy to tell who was "good" or "bad" back then because the times are always changing throughout every era. The opinions of Joan of Arc changed because people reflected on what she really did while fighting for her native France against England and was eventually beatified and canonized as a formal recognition my the Church as a saint. It is fair to revise how we feel about historical figures based on new evidence because the new evidence could bring new ground on how people think about that person. This would give people new insight on how we view historical figures from the past. People should be held accountable for the things they could not have known about because it is on that person to be aware of their actions. We judge people based on the actions and choices that he/she makes and that could make a big impact on history in the long run.


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