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June 3rd 2008
Published: June 3rd 2008
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I think Christine is a bit concerned that I'm not ready to join the blogosphere (is that what it's called?) as she is making me post one entry before we leave. I think she's right. In the spirit of the great Kerouac, we'll be on the road (finally) in less than a day. Last minute preparations are in motion...such as sitting on hold with Verizon for 1.5 hours and three transfers and no progress while attempting to cancel internet from my place in the 'boro. I think we're mostly ready to get out of here...visas and passports are in order, an entire over the counter pharmacy was purchased at Walmart yesterday (we now have a pill for literally everything, from moving the mail to slowing down the mail, runny nose, dry eyes, you get the picture), and bags are about to be packed. Next post will be from Hong Kong where we'll arrive (hopefully) at 6:45PM local time on 6/5 after a 14+ hour flight and 12 hour time change. Maybe we'll even add some snazzy photos soon. In the meantime, keep on keeping on.



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