Rihla #23 B2

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April 17th 2013
Published: April 17th 2013
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U.S Government vs. Native Americans:

I think it unfair for the government not to keep their promises to the Native Americans. After all, they were here first. If the tables were turned the government wouldn't want someone to come over here, take over our land, and change our rules. To me its an act of bullying. There's not a large number of Native Americans anymore, so how much damage could they do by living the way their use to? What is so wrong about what they're doing? It's their way of life, and for a long time it's the way multiple other people survived as while. The U.S government should keep their word and flip flop on their decisions. Thats not showing loyalty, honesty, or leadership. How will anyone be able to trust a government that doesn't keep their promises?


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