A5 RIHLA #12

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December 9th 2012
Published: December 9th 2012
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"Epidemic Emergency Plan"

1) My personal reaction would be unexplainable, I would just so schocked and impacted that I don't even know how I would react. I would be extremely shocked and worried. The next week of my life I would spend it making sure me and my family are stationed in a secure place with all that we need until help comes our way or we move out. I would never give in until I die. If I choose to move I would be protected from head to toe with clothing so that I won't breathe in the disease. I would make sure my family is in the same way. However, before moving I would spend the next week waiting for help at home or any other survivors.

2) I would expect my government to immidiately evacuate the survivors. I would expect them to be equipped form head to toe with strong equipment to block disease and test people to see who is infected and who is not. The people infected are most likely going to stay and the people that aren't infected are going to be evacuated immidiately and taken to a secure enclose place somewhere in some enclose safe facility that the U.S runs tests in or something just like in the movies. The govt. would then keep us there and start rebuilding.

3) The people I would want to survive are people that are not problematic. People that are determined to rebuild and determined in everything else. And people that are helpful, kind, trustworthy, and truthful. I would want these people to be survivors because these are the people that are going to rebuild, not give up, and maintain everything almost perfect. We will rebuild without any problems. We would all be like a small family full of love and trust and no problems to interfere.

4) As a survivor I would begin rebuilding by making sure people are reproducing so that we can increase the population and also building hospitals with all equipment needed. Hospitals will be important to keep our people alive and to help mothers that are having babies. These are two of the most important things I would focus on first the most. Then I would take it a step closer and close by adding more of what I need.


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