A5 RIHLA #11

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December 2nd 2012
Published: December 3rd 2012
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"RIHLA #11"

1.a) In my opinion what makes a person a hero is a positive change that they do as big as throughout the whole world or as small as throughout a community or to a friend. A hero can be a person who saves another, who stands for something or another, or who changes something from negative to positive. We decide which people to celebrate based on what the person did, what good that person did, and what positive changing event that person did.

1.b) I think that not all people agree on who should be considered hero or saint because something might think a person is a hero or saint and another person thinks that same person is not a hero or saint based on different opinions and point of views. So, I think that it depends on the person and their beliefs.

2. It's easy to tell who is or hero or not because you look back at what that person did. If the person did good and did something positive that stayed in history then the person is a hero. However, it's hard to tell who was a hero, good or bad, when Joan was around because we didn't know who were the good guys the French or the English. Opinions on Joan changed because as time passed people started digging out what happened and people found evidence that Joan really was a good person and did good and not bad like the church said.

3. I think it is fair to revise how we feel about historical figures based on new evidence because the evidence that comes in new has to be true that's why its evidence and it proves what Columbus really did and now how textbooks, stories, and other people say it in reverse. So, I think that it is fair.


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