Rihla #23

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March 16th 2012
Published: March 16th 2012
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God places people into this world to lead others, however, some stray away from His plans. They do not listen to the truth, which is what I aim not to do. I believe God has a purpose for me in this world, which is still unknown. I believe He has a perfect time and perfect place at any moment of my life that will go as He says. He will explain to me my mission in motions instead of words.

Out of a million things that can happen when there is faith, there is one that shouts to the universe that things will get better: hope. I have hope that day by day, people will begin to grow warmer in their hearts. They will realize the importance of helping one another when they are in time of need. There will be a generation that will allow the United States to embrace immigrants. There will be a generation that will liberate Cuba from communism. There will be a generation that provides enough resources to cure the Africans from diseases. There will be a generation that will accept unity, not segregation. People will break chains that have been untouched for hundreds of years due to the fear in their tired hearts. Just like the grace in Martin Luther King Jr.’s words and the inspiration in Mother Teresa’s sayings, people’s minds can be changed. People will fight more and more to achieve complete tranquility. This, I believe, will come true.

I’ve heard His silent call many times, but never listened close enough. I saw the things He placed in my path, but never took advantage of them. I felt His warm touch in my heart, but never cared enough about it. However, time passes and people change, which made me realize a truth that was just not meant to escape from my life. I know that God has stood by me and listened to my cries. I’ve found peace in His hands, which can’t be compared. Now, I have faith in him and myself! So, what happens when there is faith? A lot.


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