At honolulu Airport

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May 17th 2006
Published: May 18th 2006
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May 17, 2006
I’m sitting here in the Honolulu Airport, and felt like writing down some of my thoughts.

One odd thing I’ve noticed with Hawaii is that it seems like most of the natives here are overweight. Well, actually, a lot of people here are overweight, but the natives seem to stand out as being so. Even all of the old pictures and artwork of the natives of this island depict them as being overweight. It makes you think. Perhaps it is their culture that encourages obesity. Maybe they are just genetically predetermined to be heavy. It could just be the diet that was available to them on the island before Western contact, and they haven’t deviated from it. Don’t know. One of the most famous Hawaiian singers, Iz, was a native here and weighed around 600 pounds. Incidentally, he died around the age of 35. Almost bought one of his CDs here.

I asked Lee the other day if there was any racial tension between the natives and the newer inhabitants, but he didn’t know. Probably should have asked someone else but never got around to it. Just curious.

Also, I don’t mean to be critical of Lee’s family. I actually really enjoyed my stay with them and am very grateful for them having me. I realize their pushing their beliefs on me is just their way of trying to help and protect me, and I am pleased that they are so concerned for me.

At the Honolulu Airport, they offer wireless internet but only at an exorbitant fee. Just to give you an idea:
$4.95/2 hours, $6.95/day, $24.95/one-month plan, $19.95/month recurring plan
I’m hoping there won’t be any problems with internet in Japan. We’re supposed to have it in our dorms. After the study abroad, connecting will be a little harder.

I’m still really nervous about being in Japan, but maybe not for the reasons you may think. I’m actually looking forward to studying and traveling in Japan for 11 weeks. What I’m nervous about is my current proficiency with the Japanese Language. One of the rangers at Mauna Kea(this is the correct spelling I believe) was proficient in Japanese and tried to carry on a conversation with me. I understood about half of what he said and had a very hard time replying. O well. Sink or Swim.

Currently there are several Japanese sitting beside me, and I’m listening in on their conversation. I realize that I’m probably being rude, but practice is practice.


18th May 2006

Sweetie, you know you´ll do okay. No one speaks English down here, and I get by. Classes, you´ll just have to work at those. But after 6 weeks of intense classes, you should be in much better shape for the rest of your trip. I know you will do fine. I know it. I love you very much. Make sure you email when you get to Japan so I know that you are okay. Love you much. (do you get these comments?)
19th May 2006

about IZ
You should bought his CD . they are grest and it would helped his family. you wimp
19th May 2006

Who is this Mary?

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