A few e-mail issues and a cheeky update

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January 14th 2008
Published: January 14th 2008
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Hey crew,
Just letting you know I'm having a few problems with my e-mail, so I can get them but just can't respond as yet - but thanks for all of your comments and responses! My phone is also not working so right now the blog is my only outlet for communication (feeling slightly like Will Smith in 'I am legend') but thanks for all of your fabulous tips and well wishes - love hearing from everyone so fear not once I am on technology freindly ground I will respond. Tried to respond via the blog but ended up sending a comment to myself! A few shout outs... Simone - will be sure to check out the outlets...love you work! Serena, missing you on the runs and congrats on the paper ,Heather, New York is between Feb 7th-12th - love to see you! and Narelle, tell me all about your birthday?!

Had an unreal pilates session this morning overlooking 180 degrees of Hawaiin shore break in the peaceful breeze and the local wedding chapel with all windows open - best pilates session I've EVER had- since then it has turned into a gale force wind that blew my fabulous caftan into the pool, knotted my hair and made it too to sit outside so I'm cowering in the business centre (in a covered in my merino wool top and tracky dacks- did I mention the weather aint very suntan oriented....but then again it is winter!!!) trying to figure out how to get my e-mail working - have just figured out where the corkscrew is located in the room so will now pop up after failing miserably to send a single e-mail and open the bottle of sav blanc waiting for me. Wal is out searching for waves (slightly antsy after 5 days of no waves, poor guy travelled all the way hear to surf his dream and it's been too massive, but it should drop soon) but he actually walked past Anthony Keidis, lead singer of the chilli peppers on his way to the surf this morning when I wasn't with him....fear not ladies, I will be now joining him on any surf finding mission from now on...maybe I'll bump into Anthony myself!! :o) I also failed to mention we caught the same plane over as Christina Ricci (who had tried desperately to copy my hair cut but didn't quite get it right...poor ). Was going to let her now how she could impove it (too much of a block colour, no definition or movement..blah blah bah) but thought better of it and let her have her time to herself. She was with some other famous dude but he wasn't hot so didn't spend too much time trying to figure it out!! For those who like to be in the know, she had on a very "plane friendly" black casual track suit (note: no velour in sight ladies...just matte black) which I thought I might try to emulate for my plane ride to New York...will keep you posted! My intention here had just been to let you guys not to worry if you don't hear from me but to encourage e-mails from ya'll but thought I'd give you an update anyway...

again much love and stay safe... G x


15th January 2008

GAH!Anthony Keidis...
George and Ian... This is serious!You've let the beastie boys go before,it's truely time to redeem yourselves!If you both happen to casually stroll past him again...please get a photo or a lock of hair or maybe even a letter from him confessing his undying love for me... Miss you guys hey.had to make a trip to bondi in your honour and forced everyone to go to revesis and drink asahi's! So...a word of warning, do you remember Anthong Keidis in point break...he was dumb and full of muscles so when approaching him make sure his fists aren't clenched and if he's flicking his hair vigorously...run! I don't know how much i can write in here so i'll stop wrting, but am loving reading this!miss you G xoxoxoxo
15th January 2008

Hi G, sounds like you are well and truly in the swing of holiday life! Look forward to hearing about future adventuresÂ…..Enjoy and keep safe. Kel xx
15th January 2008

Anthony Keidis Part 2
Hey G! ok i don't feel that i covered all bases necessary in my last comment! Now...lesson 1- The essentials to take when surfing: Pen Paper Camera Lesson 2 - What to say to Anthony Keidis My sister Sal is awesome Here is her address Here is her number Can i take a photo of you for her Lesson 3 -What to take when surfing Pen Paper Camera (surf board optional) Ok i feel i have thoroughly expressed the essential ingredients to a successful meeting with Anthony Keidis. Love you

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