Hawaii day 2

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August 23rd 2011
Published: August 24th 2011
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Day 2 of the Freedom Tour as we are now calling it. This is a vacation where you can forget all of the problems you have at home for a short while, in essence have freedom from them. Hawaii is a place you can let yourself go, enjoy the sun, sand, mountains, fresh air and relax.
Today we were up early, still working on Ontario time, which by the way is six hours difference from Hawaii. We rented a car and headed up island. Our first stop was Diamond Head, but the parking lot was full, we did manage to get some photos but decided to head out and see what we could find. We stopped at a light house to take some photos and watch the surfers. It is amazing to me that someone could stand on a board that is hurling through the ocean. They were young, old, men and women and were hanging ten and enjoying the day.
From here we wanted to go to Hanuma Bay, but it is closed on Tuesdays, go figure. Instead we stopped at a blowhole, which is where the waves crash in and spray straight up, it was beautiful. During this stop the Hawaiin police once again stopped traffice for a motorcade. We found out at this point that it was Vice-President Joe Biden who was on the island.
In Kailua we stopped for lunch, Teddy's Bigger Burgers. I had the Bacado Burger, your basic burger with avacado, bacon, cheese and a super sauce (somekind of mustard sauce). Brian had the original and Kathy had a child's burger (which was the size of a normal burger). Needless to say we were stuffed. I would highly recommend making this a stop for lunch.
We continued out journey up island and stopped at different beaches along the way. At one we met a local octopus hunter who recommended Wainea Beach for some snorkling and swimming. The water was warm and very salty, diffrent from the Atlantic ocean. Didn't see a lot because the water was cloudy. We will be going on a snorkling tour one of these days. The local we met also suggested we eat at Giovanni's a shrimp shack, wow, they were so good, buttery, garlicy and cheap. Would highly recommend a stop at this place for a snack.
We headed back to Waikiki after that as we were all exhausted. Had dinner at Margaretiville and we were out by 10:30.
Overall the roads we took gave us a look at the island that you wouldn't see if you didn't have a car. We saw the homeless camps, we saw million dollar homes and we saw average homes. The weather changed from raining to sunny in a matter of minutes, but it was never uncomortable.
For those of you like us, first time travellers to Hawaii I would say rent a car, and go for a drive, you will see things that you might miss on a guided tour. Traffic was not bad, easy to get around.
So for now, see you tomorrow.


25th August 2011

Great work
Sounds like you guys are having fun! I like that you included the places to eat, looking forward to checking out some of these places next year! Keep up the great work on the blog!

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