Leaving On A Midnight Train

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North America » United States » Georgia
August 20th 2007
Published: August 22nd 2007
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Well, we didn't leave on a train or at midnight but our destination was Georgia. First stop, Savannah.

Savannah is like a picture postcard of what you would imagine America to be like years ago - very pretty squares and parks and lovely big old houses. There aren't any sights as such you just wander round looking at the historic district and the riverfront area so we spent a nice couple of afternoons doing that. We could have done a ghost tour of the city at night but they take you round in a hearse so we decided against it! We did manage to find an English pub, complete with red telephone box outside, and had bangers and mash (real sausages!) for dinner - it was wonderful. We also managed to survive the heat - the guy who ran the hostel seemed to be scared that we were going to shrivel up and die because it was so hot...bless him.

After our chilled out couple of days in Savannah, we headed for Atlanta - another wonderful Greyhound bus journey. This time we were only delayed by two hours which I suppose we should be grateful for. We found our hostel and headed straight to the supermarket to stock up on food and booze. The hostel was really nice, with cable TV and a pool table and a nice man who informed us that you cannot buy alcohol on a Sunday in Georgia. Back to the supermarket for us!

We only had one full day in Atlanta so we got up early(ish) and went straight to CNN Centre where we did a behind-the-scenes tour learning about how they gather news stories and get them ready for broadcasting. We saw the weather guy doing a live broadcast too which was pretty cool. Next up, the World of Coca-Cola, which has been moved to a new site but we didn't know that so we spent ages wandering around in the midday sun trying to find the old one. Doh! Anyway, got there in the end and spent a good couple of hours learning about the history of Coca-Cola, seeing the 4D show - complete with moving chairs and water spraying in your face -, meeting the Coca-Cola polar bear and sampling all their products from around the world - there are loads and we tried them all for free!

So, our time in Georgia is up - short stay but we've had fun and are heading off to the 'real' South in Alabama next. Wish us luck!


22nd August 2007

Did you get to pretend to be a weatherman on the CNN tour? My brother and I (sad people that we are) particularly loved that. Oh Greyhound! It used to be oh so efficient now look at it! While you two languish in the sun we have to put up with grey skies and rain.......you lucky chicks!!!!
22nd August 2007

WHAT?!?!?! No alcohol on a Sunday! How did you survive? :o/

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