Travels with Snowbirds Monday January 13, 2012, Florilow Oaks, Bushnell FL

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January 14th 2013
Published: January 15th 2013
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Tuesday January 14, 2013

Florilow Oaks, Bushnell, FL

The One About The Cat

Note to start: Before I went to bed last night, I looked out all my windows, just to see what was going on. I saw a large cat slinking about between the rigs, and thought nothing about it.

I slept really good until 7:30! I took Winston for a long walk, and met up with Judy C, friend from the LOW chapter in PA/NJ who lives here in the winter. In the summer she lives in south Jersey. She has lost an amazing amount of weight, and I give her credit. She just got into size 10 jeans, and she looks great from the back! Congratulations, Judy!! She told me about Monday being continental breakfast day; I put Winston in the rig, and armed with my $1 fee, I enjoyed continental good coffee, an English Muffin, and good conversation. Lots of familiar faces, and some new ones as well.

Ginnie, Judy C and I headed for the Webster Flea Market, about 5 miles away. This is one HUGE flea market, probably my most favorite in FL, and certainly the largest. Some vendors are out in the fields, some are in covered booths, and some are in enclosed buildings. We agreed to meet in an hour, as I wanted to look for the Fiestaware Lady. Found her easily, as she was in the same place as last year, and bought $40 of pieces I liked - big cup, new butter dish set, small espresso cup, juice glasses. She travels to the Homer Laughlin outlet in West Virginia regularly with her 20 foot truck and 24 foot 5th wheel and stocks up on their seconds and first run overruns. What an amazing job just loading all the stuff in and out of her hauling vehicles. She was very busy, people were lined up to pay. Next to find a sausage sandwich, and got a wonderful lemonade as well, $6 for both. It was wonderful. Next to the produce vendors, 2 overstuffed quarts of local strawberries, $5. 6 ears of corn, forget how much they were, but maybe $3, and they were awesome!! $2 for 6 large beefsteak tomatoes. Ginnie and Judy both got a few things. I thought of Sandy & Keith when I used my special tote bag on wheels to carry everything. I feel and look like an old shopping bag lady when I use it, but it is just perfect for my fleamarketing!!

This afternoon was devoted to laundry – everything that wasn’t nailed down got thrown in, except the rugs. They’ll be done tomorrow. Ginnie said we’re going to give the dogs baths as well tomorrow. Winston is black! It’s going to be quite interesting to do all 3, don’t you think???

On one of my walks back from the laundry room, I chatted with a neighbor who told me Winston barked most of the day, not that she minded, she was just letting me know…… if I didn’t know……….She started to lament about losing a cat. She told me that when she arrived 2 weeks ago she let her cat out. He usually comes home at night. She hasn’t seen him in 2 weeks. I asked what he looked like, big and black. Hmmmmmmmmmm. I mentioned the cat I saw last night, and she almost had tears in her eyes. Of course I couldn’t tell if he was black or grey or purple, and I did not notice if he had a yellow harness on or not, just big and black. She thought he was dead, and is assuming that I saw him. She had left food out for him overnight, and it was gone in the morning, but that could have been opossum, squirrels, birds…….but she feels in her heart it’s her PussyCat. So, she asked me if I would look for him again tonight. Lordy, I hope he turns up.

I made dinner for me and Ginnie, pork barbecue on rolls (frozen from making it the week before I left, awesome NC style) cole slaw, tomato, corn on the cob, and a Lime-A-Rita over ice. Is it summer?

Kat Out


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