Well here's the start...

Published: November 2nd 2012
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Just Saying HI!Just Saying HI!Just Saying HI!

Putting a face to the Project
Well, hello there! If you've found this blog...either you're one of my good friends or family, you've donated to my recipe book project, or you're both!

I'm at home in D.C. watching animal planet about these two guys who are trekking a path along the Amazon (what can I say, adventure junkie!)

But hey...this is my first blog entry, none of you know what it's about yet! WELL, I'm going to Patagonia in January! There, I'll complete a wilderness medicine program for a wilderness medical certification and a semester's worth of college credits. Then I'll be making my way (foot, bus, bike) back up South America, collecting recipes as I go, stories and photographs too, to make a cookbook simply BURSTING with authenticity of the sweetest desserts South America has to offer 😊

Well, that's all for post number one...if you've made it this far, thank you to the moon and back for believing in me and my project. Honestly. You can't begin to understand how much that means to me.

Safe travels in everything you do,



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