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November 13th 2008
Published: November 13th 2008
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While walking down a dusty old road I noticed something off in the distance. It was a mine. Little did I know I had just stumbled upon one of the greaatest discoveries I've ever even imagined. Being a normal curious human being i walked down the hill to the mine to go check it out. What I found was amazing. A ghost town. Not just that but real silver and a billion of the coolest looking nick-nacks just scattered on an old table in an even oldr building. Later I would find out that I found a lost silver mine form the 1800's. After I left the first building i began to search the area for anything else. What I found next was an old rail car full of crucibles and behind that a rail car of bones. I don't know who's bones they were but some were unfortunately human. After that discovery I hiked back to where my dad was and told him what I found. He told me i was mistaking but when we both went back he was surprised to see what I had found was real. Later that afternoon the forest service came to where we were to see the bones. What we then discovered was incredible. The bones we discovered were those of about 16 miners that were trapped in a cave in about 150 years before. We would be the first people to see them and there old town in 100 years. The forest service guys told us we were not to tell anyone where or what we found and that they would do more research about the old ghost town and once they knew more they would call and tell us more and even let us pick out a name for the small town.

About 2 months later the phone rang. It was the same guy who had told us he would call back with information about the town. He then began to tell us how the town had boasted one of the wealthiest mines in colorado and that the last people to live in the town were all victims of the cave in. He also told us we could pick any name we wanted for the town since we had discovered it. We picked sleepy hollow due to the ghostly sights.

About 1 month later we got another call from a man who had also stumbled upon our new found town. He told us that he had found even more evidence of life after the cave in but there was a fire. A fire so big he said it would have swallowed turquoise lake within a minute. We also found out that all of the people that died in the fire were guests at a hotel. The hotel had been robbed and set afire in the middle of the night. No one survived. The weirdest part about this was that the guy we had talked to on the phone seemed to know every detail about what had happened. A few days later my dad was reading the obituaries and he noticed that the man that told us about the fire had died. But what was even stranger was the fact that the news paper said he had passed away days before we talked to him. It also said something about a great hotel fire. We began to wonder so we called the forest service back and informed them of the oddities that had occured. He told us he had been up at the ghost town recently and he said when he walked through the trees to the main clearing he could smell smoke and could hear people screaming. He also told us that he had seen a man running from building to building but once he got within a few feet of the figure it would dissapear.

We all later found out that the town we found was haunted and had the most paranormal activity in colorado. Wow I thought...what a camping trip.


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