The Week Before Departure

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April 20th 2006
Published: April 21st 2006
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This is the beginning of my travel journal. I am hoping to be able to update it fairly regularly with info about where I am, how my trip is going, and pictures that are always the best part of receiving info from friends.

I am currently still in Colorado preparing to leave. My flight leaves Denver next Wednesday (April 26th) morning and I arrive in Toronto, Ontario, Canada that evening. I am spending a few days with my Dad and old friends in the area before flying to Paris the night of April 29th. I arrive in Paris around 10am on Sunday morning. So give me a chance to get settled and organized and I'll update you when I get there.

Right now I'm trying to make sure I have everything here at home taken care of. I've already spent a lot of money getting everything I need for the trip. Ya'll would be really pack weighs maybe 25 pounds and easily fits in the overhead bin on an airplane. There isn't much room to spare so hopefully that will prevent me from picking much up along the way.

My last few days are going to be spent trying to see friends. It's really hard for me to be leaving Boulder knowing that I'll be starting a new career and new life when I get back. But, I'm also really excited about this journey and know that all of the changes are going to be amazing.

Please leave messages and comments here on this site. I am hoping to use this travel blog as a replacement for mass e-mails. It's really the same sort of thing but maybe not quite as impersonal as seeing an e-mail you know everyone got as well. Or not..who knows. Either way, hearing from people back home is going to be important I'm sure. So love me lots!


24th April 2006

Go Get Em!
Hey Girl...I get to be number one eh...Well, I know you will have a great trip...I was so happy for you when you went down to the U.S for school, and look at all you have done...I have no doubt that you will be just as brave, and successful on your trip, as you are now...Have fun, and don't forget your passport...All the best from everybody in the GREAT WHITE NORTH...xo

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