10 Days of California Dreaming

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October 11th 2006
Published: October 11th 2006
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Ok ok, so we´ve had an earful from people demanding photos and news, so we hope not to disappoint.

The flight out was delayed by 3 hours, due to the maintenance people doing a last minute repair job of gaffer taping up the door, or something like that...there was talk about snakes on a plane...so that was, erm, fun. 6 hours into our flight, somewhere over the Atlantic, the pilot decided to liven things up and test Gauss´s theory to the max!! my stomach hasnt done soo many flips ever but according to keith, lightening running along the side of the plane looks pretty....eugh!

Basically the last 10 days have been a fly by visit of California, taking in San Francisco, Yosemite, Route 1 down the coast, Grand Canyon and Las Vegas!

San Francisco was a lot of fun, exploring Chinatown on our first night before doing the whole touristy disney boat tour...wow, Captain Nemo didnt half keep us entertained, but we did get to see the golden gate bridge and alcatraz before jumping in a car and braving the rush hour traffic!! Never seen driving quite like it...or cars that big!!!

Yosemite was amazing. When you first drive in and see El Cap, it takes your breath away and hurts your neck!! We went on a nature walk, got lost and decided that with a picnic in our daypacks and coming across signs pretty much saying "you are now in bears natural habitat, away from all paths, grrr" that it was time to turn round and see the next day...i know, we´re wimps! We got up and saw sun rise at Glacier Point overlooking Half Dome...that was when I decided for some reason to develop a mad case of vertigo....

We saw wolves before settling down for the night, full moon and all, and it was only in the morning Keith told me they were howling all night...hmmm, overactive imagination went a bit crazy at that.

The next couple of days were spent travelling down route 1 to Santa Barbara, where we then headed through the desert to see Ernie and Kyle in Ridgecrest. Having driven through scenery just like out of "The Hills Have Eyes", with nuclear test sites, etc, making sure we had a full tank of petrol, and taking no hints from no-one, we were quite relieved when Ernie suggested we stay at theirs! Thank you again you guys!!

Sooo, after that we headed through Death Valley and carried on down to Grand Canyon where Keith decided to take the extremely scenic route, knowing where we were the entire time of course, and so after 16 hours in our compact car, barely talking, we were more than ready to crash out.....easier said than done though....first the park rangers flashed their lights and said no sleeping in yer car, then it was the sheriff, full on flashies and spotlights.....honest we weren´t doing anything dodgy, but carried on our happy way and found a spooky spot to crash and see elk from afar....at one with nature and all that this week...

We saw the sun come up over the south rim of the Grand Canyon, but will let the pictures do the talking...

After that, needing to get out the car for a while, we headed to Las Vegas baby! Decided to head straight for the bars, and had our most expensive cocktails to date - a Top Shelf frozen margharita that made my face go numb! At least we got our money worth as that was all we needed for the night - light weights or what! The strip was amazing at night, the only way to see it me thinks. Great piccies from up the top of the Eiffel Tower, though again vertigo kicked in, though couldve been the drink...havent quite made mind up yet... The Bellagio water shows were amazing to see, especially to Viva Las Vegas, corny we know, but such a laugh!!

Well, sorry it´s such a long one this time, we´ll try to keep on top of it more often now. Hope you´re all doing ok and you enjoy the piccies.

Lots of love from Mexico

Stacey and Keith


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11th October 2006

Guys! these photos look amazing!! Excellent blog, can't wait for the next installment!
11th October 2006

Awesome Pictures
Glad you made it safely to Vegas and I hope that you are enjoying Mexico. Thanks for your note. After Saturday I got lots of sleep- I was exhausted. It's torturous to work with high school schools all week and then be a student yourself. ;) It was great to see both of you and please swing by againif you are over near this side of the world again..1 day was not enough. Tobin misses you. Have a great time in Mexico- eat lots of great food for us. Love.
13th October 2006

Ooh I'm jealous it all looks wonderful. What a whirlwind tour! Back in Blighty, just done a light express - Rob Eason pressing us to do Birmingham shows!.. Lovely to see you both looking so happy. :)

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