Berkeley Autumn

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October 22nd 2009
Published: October 22nd 2009
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Angel Island ViewAngel Island ViewAngel Island View

Sunday walk on the island with the Sierra Club
Apart from two days of rain since I last wrote, the weather here has been lovely. My activities include attending talks from time to time at UC Berkeley and in San Francisco, taking three classes at the Osher Institute of Lifelong Learning, going to the theater, participating in a book club, swimming on campus at one of the outdoor pools, hiking with the Sierra Club, seeing friends, and much, much more. Here are some photos of my life and activities in Berkeley during September and October. Coming soon: a new, more text-oriented blog which will be linked to my website ( I'll let you know when it's up and running. "Talk" to you soon again.

Additional photos below
Photos: 19, Displayed: 19


Immigration Center on Angel Is.Immigration Center on Angel Is.
Immigration Center on Angel Is.

where many Chinese immigrants were processed before being allowed to enter the port of San Francisco.
American IdiotAmerican Idiot
American Idiot

an original production at Berkeley Rep
Annie Barrows at UC Berkeley LibraryAnnie Barrows at UC Berkeley Library
Annie Barrows at UC Berkeley Library

co-author of "Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" signing copies of her book
Cercle françaisCercle français
Cercle français

French ladies' luncheon in Burlingame
Botero exhibitBotero exhibit
Botero exhibit

the painter donated this exhibit on the tortures at Abu Ghraib to the UC Berkeley Art Museum
eclectic gardeneclectic garden
eclectic garden

Imperial Court Tea House near Chez Panisse in Berkeley
Nicolas Kristoff , NY Times journalistNicolas Kristoff , NY Times journalist
Nicolas Kristoff , NY Times journalist

speaking at the Fairmont Hotel in SF about his latest book, "Half a Sky"
hike on Mt. Diablohike on Mt. Diablo
hike on Mt. Diablo

with the East Bay Hiking Group, an off-shoot of the Sierra Club

22nd October 2009

Will be there soon.
Hi Hilary, Now I'm really homesick for California. Your photos brought back so many memories of my Berkeley life. Let's see if we can schedule a time for me to visit between Nov. 18 - 24. I leave on Thanksgiving Day. Best, Mary
22nd October 2009

good to hear from you
Hilary, You've done a little of lots of interesting things. What a way to live??? You look great so you must be doing something right. Keep your messages coming. Best, Betty
22nd October 2009

I want your life
Hilary, I am living vicariously through your postings. Good for you!!
25th October 2009

Thanks Hilary. Glad you are having a good time. I missed the Sept UUFP service but last Sunday went to the Oct service which was undoubtedly one of the best ever. Mark Morrison Reed was our guest preacher and he was fantastic. The turnout was also amazing: Gretchen Thomas came in from Lisbon where she was with her husband and she introduced him. Nathalie Kleinschmidt was also visiting and really the whole sanctuary was almost full. We look forward to welcoming you back in the new year. Next weekend we are heading to Maastricht for the EUU retreat. Hugs, Peter

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