Learning how to blog

Published: May 28th 2011
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I learned this week that just because I type out my blog and save it, it does not mean it automatically publishes. It's a good lesson.

Today, I read a forum on "What kind of world traveler are you?" It was an interesting read. The people started out discussing what it was they enjoyed best about setting up and travelling. I was pleased to find out that I am not the only one that enjoys the planning stage of travel. I was surprised to see that the bloggers discussed weight loss and sleep apnea as part of their travelling. One man stated that he finds he loses weight when he travels. A few other people were discussing weight loss in relation to sleep apnea and how losing the weight sometimes relieves the sleep apnea.

I have read other blogs where the conversation starts on one topic and ends on something else, but weight loss and sleep apnea are topics I did not expect to see on a travel blog.


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