To Nomadic Matt: Why I want to go to Europe for 12 days

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September 15th 2012
Published: September 16th 2012
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I want to go to Europefor 12 daysmso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: black;">.

By Kyrie von Erffa


Dear Nomadic Matt,

1;"> A fellow travel-loving friend of mine, Maneesh Sethi and
I were talking the other day about life and the funny places it takes us. He
recommended I dip into this drawing, in case life has a particularly exciting
travel twist for me in the future!

I believe I am the candidate for a 12 day trip to Europe. I am a traveler and wannabe global socialite, in the most humble of ways. I recently graduated from college, broke up with my boyfriend of more than two years, and am temporarily living in the bay area, pondering my next step, which may be going nomadic for a while.

I am an art, travel, wine, cheese, beer, culture, festival, music, and adventurer lover. I enjoy meeting new people from all over the world and learning more about different places and cultures. I am a major Europe fan, but have never travel solo there. I am interested in trying local breweries and wines, and meeting the people, young and old. I know there is great music and nightlife that would delight my senses.

I have a BA International Relations and a hold TESOL certificate. I really want to teach in Europe, but I am not sure where. I have been to some of Western Europe, but have recently craved something further east. I would use this 12 trip to explore these beautiful cities, possibly falling in love with one and making it a goal to go back long term to work.

I am particularly interested how art is represented in public places in these cities. I am interested in how are is decided on, or funded and how certain artappears in the public. I believe there should be more art, especially large scale, interactive art available to the public. I believe these cities have some element of public art that I would also like to explore. I know there are organization, foundations, galleries and individuals who are all involved in these processes. I would like to explore and educate myself about these issues, bringing back a wealth of knowledge, and some good travel stories.


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