Boyz 'n the Hood

Published: July 9th 2008
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Monday 30th June to Saturday July 5th The fourth of July is a big day for Americans, in fact it's by far and away the biggest day of the social calendar. A day more than any other when they celebrate their overbearing sense of national pride combined with their Independence from us Brits by essentially doing two things; i) bedecking anything and everything in stars and stripes and ii) getting pi... Read Full Entry

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Boyz 'n the HoodBoyz 'n the Hood
Boyz 'n the Hood

July 4th bikers.
Boyz 'n the HoodBoyz 'n the Hood
Boyz 'n the Hood

Colleagues Stan, Wing and Stephen
Boyz 'n the HoodBoyz 'n the Hood
Boyz 'n the Hood

En route to the fireworks with Rainer and Phil
Boyz 'n the HoodBoyz 'n the Hood
Boyz 'n the Hood

Carla and Joshua.
Boyz 'n the HoodBoyz 'n the Hood
Boyz 'n the Hood

Same old story.

9th July 2008

You seriously are turning into victor meldrew !
10th July 2008

Victor Meldrew
I don't BELIEVE it!
14th July 2008

Real american boy!!!!!!!
Hi Matt, Looks like your having a really good time over there and turning into the real american boy especially with the Jeep thing going on, how's it going especially with the complicated highway code etc, glad to see your settling well and still partying hard, you will have to slow down one day you know!!!!!! And that applies to Phil too. Keep the stories coming they are really very funny, look after yourself and regards to Phil and his clan. PS cant believe you havent become matey with one of those beautiful beach babes that parade in front of your apartment, but maybe you are just waiting for right one hey!!!
16th July 2008

Ey up Mat, enjoying the blogs. Maybe you should have thought about Sweden (or Warrington) the amount time you spend in Ikea. Take it easy dude.

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