Food and Backpacking

Published: July 20th 2012
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Here is a little background on our backpacking experience as I have some relatives who ask for me to write about earlier experiences.

Dale and I first backpacked before we were married. We hiked into the Sierra’s, a 10 hour hike, over a pass into what is called Evolution Valley. We stayed for several days but we were certainly not as sophisticated then as we are today. Those days we just ate the freeze dried meals and cold granola for breakfast.

When our kids were young we hiked down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up over 3 days. I carried fresh food, one meal we will have on our upcoming backpack trip; Chicken Curry over rice.

We had other backpack trips into the back county; on one I carried angel food cake, frozen strawberries and frozen Cool Whip, for Justin’s birthday.

Several years ago we backpacked rim to rim across the Grand Canyon with some friends. I carried fresh food for the 1st night, Chicken Curry, a bottle of Dom Perignon and a nice bottle of red wine. We had the bottle of red wine the 1st night, ½ way down at Cottonwood into the canyon and the bottle of Dom Perignon ½ way up the South rim at Indian Gardens. At the bottom of the Canyon, Phantom Ranch, we ate dinner at the Ranch and drank beer that we didn’t have to carry.

So now when I talk about food and wine we will carry you can see how its importance has developed.


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