The "not so painted" desert and the petrified "not really a" forest

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July 31st 2005
Published: August 5th 2005
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We left Sedona and headed out for Meteor Crater which really is (as Ryan put it) a big hole in the ground... Then off to the painted desert. We had wind and the threat of rain so, perhaps, this is why the painted desert didn't seem so painted. We've enclosed a picture. Better, however, was the petrified wood which looked more like candles but was actually wood that had absorbed minerals many thousands of years ago. Bobby and Dave couldn't understand why there were no trees in a forest, good point.

We spent the night in a glorious one-horse town called Holbrook. We spent the night sleeping in cement wigwams. Bob's comment on approaching our glorious accomodations "are we staying here? No friggin' way!!!"

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