Making 'Internships' Work in Your Favor

Published: January 12th 2015
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I have passed the halfway point or 'midterm' for my current internship position. I am also happy to share with family and friends that I have reached my budget in preparing for my student loans to kick in. As I look forward to future employment, it looks like I will continue my internship streak hopefully somewhere near Moab, Utah. I recently had an interview for an internship with a park near Moab, and in a week or so I should hear back from my past supervisor at the rafting company. This week shall be just a waiting game and re-thinking what it is I want out of this summer and the next job. As I am considering pros- and cons- of each job opportunity, I also want to consider how I will be able to save money while working off a stipend, yet again.

When I was home on christmas break my father said some words of wisdom to me and my older brother along the lines of, 'You just have make your standard of living less than your income, then you will be able to save or make enough money, that is the trick.' I may be paraphrasing here, but whatever he said certainly left me with that impression of knowledge. Luckily, I have been able to do that with my current internship. I know there is a special combination of percentages of your income you are supposed to save, spend, etc. With my meager stipend, here at least, I have been able to save half of what I have made. Looking forward to (hopefully) going back to a place like Moab, a garden of eden that will suck your money so quickly. I need to keep my priorities in check. I expressed my worries about maintaining priorities while moving again, to a current roommate/co-worker and he had a great response. He told me there are all different types of people and groups in those small adventure towns. The key is to finding your group and sticking to what you want. With that said, I am sure I will be able to find a group of adventurous souls that live frugally in Moab, Ut. I bet whoever my future co-workers or roommates may be, there might be some among them. So with the fear diminished and priorities in check, join me in crossing fingers that I get one of my two ideal opportunities for employment near my garden of eden (Moab, Utah).


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