Grand Canyon NP

Published: February 13th 2007
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'Yuck Grand Canyon' (as Allie once said) was my first thought as we arrived at the south rim. After driving hundreds of miles past boring landscapes and a disappointing Monument Valley (i.e. the 'mittens' were visible only through a zoom lens!), the Grand Canyon seemed less than great, and exceedingly commercialised. It didn't help that I took my mood out on Alex!

However, we soon recovered, and saw that they don't call it the Grand Canyon for nothing. It is very wide, very deep, and try and find a flat surface anywhere but on the top! The haze in the sky tinted the whole canyon purple, which looked pretty but made photography difficult.

Despite racing as far as we could to see the sunset, we would recommend that others try to view it from the north rim (unfortunately it is closed in winter).

Photos pending....


15th February 2007

raining in Brisbane(still)
we are in competition ith the weather here with you and the rain keeps falling. Nothing like a bbq in the rain, and in peak summer!!Think the pictures are brilliant and we are thrilled to see you are managing to experience so much. Have just sat down with anne marie and mark and read all your messages and has inspired a conversation to don our back packs and do similar. Atleast we can say we have beaten you into the Pacific and got a swim in before you did!! ha!ha! Off up the coast tomorrow to the sunshine coast for the weekend with anne marie and wim and ellen. Hope we will find the sun. Then down to Byron bay so we will beat you there too!!!!. Porters looking forward to your visiting them later in the year.
25th February 2007


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