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September 19th 2011
Published: September 19th 2011
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Since the last time I wrote, we went to a zoo. It was completely different from Belgium zoo's, starting with the fact that most animals were just held in cages. The monkey were said to have a sugar & diabetes problem... Which isn't hard if you are going to feed them marshmellows, chips & cola as a way to entertain the audience. You know the scene when Dudley Dursley was knocking on the snake's window saying "MOVE STUPID!"? I guess he should have been an American because apparently that is what they do. Anyway. I love monkeys, tigers & lions so I was happy to be there. I proved that I wasn't too chicken to hold a snake, so that's a good thing I guess? + There's were no ostriches. Good things happen every day!
Last friday Sophie & I took Harpa to Montgomery where she could take the greyhound bus to see her sister. I think it's cool that some people here actually get the chance to see family they couldn't normally see when staying home. I wish some of you guys moved here so I could have an excuse to travel around too ;-) After dropping her off, we went to a store that sells cheap stuff to go look for some sneakers for me, because I've been sitting still way too long and need to start doing something again. Since the gym is free here, it's a perfect option, but I don't want to waste money on shoes that I'll only wear here, so I'm kinda stuck. Anyway, I'll find some in Walmart I guess. (God this is turning out to be a boring blog. Are you still reading? If you are, here, you get 100 points.)
After the sneaker-searching-fiasco, we drove back to Troy & stopped for some 32°. Now I wish I could explain this all to you properly, but I can't since you can't taste the awesomeness of it, but bear with me okay? When you come in, you take a cup. In that cup, you can put any flavor of frozen yoghurt you want. They have regular flavors like vanilla, chocolat, strawberry.. but also Cheesecake, peanut butter, birthday cake, watermelon... Basically, it's heaven already. But! After that, you go to the toppingsbar. And while in Belgium, toppings mean sprinkles or whipped cream, they managed to change the whole meaning of it here. Reese's pieces, snickers, candy in all colors of the rainbow, all kinds of fruits. My golden combo is Vanilla yoghurt with brownies, reese's peanut butter cups mash up, strawberry & peanut butter sprinkles. I wish I could all set you a sample 😞
Later that night, we went to Evy's birthday party. Evy lives in an apartment with 5 other international students, one of which is Inge, the other Belgian girl here. They made about 20 international dishes for everyone to taste, one more delicious than the other. If you know my family a bit, you know that eating is a big part of how we live (you couldn't tell looking at us, could you? ;-) - if you laughed at that, you get another 100 points for appreciating my bad humor), so I love tasting all different kinds of food here. I hope to take home a lot of recipes to I can make you all very fat by the time I come home.
After the food was gone, the DJ arrived, with a bit too much volume. It didn't take too long for the police to arrive a first time. They let everyone off with a warning and left, as soon as the music was turned down.. Off course the idea of having a party that doesn't get ruined is completely insane here in Troy, so half an hour later they were back & it was over. We had to hide in the rooms for a while, even though none of us were having alcohol anymore (or were legal), but if we left the apartment, they would make sure we went home, and that was the last thing we wanted. About an hour later, after a whoooole lot of discussion, we managed to all make it to Les Potreros, a mexican dancing club which was basically empty except for our group of 30 international students (with 2 lost americans with us). Even though I wasn't allowed to drink, wearing my -21-wristband with pride, it didn't matter at all. I was just happy to be somewhere where I could hang out with friends, dance & have fun without having to worry wether the cops could show up any minute & the party would, once again, be over.
Now, I hope I have all bored you to sleep by now, if you are awake, take another 100 points. But right now, I need to go cook (pray for me that the stove isn't broken anymore - pray to whoever you want, I prefer Batman, but, you know..) & watch How I Met Your Mother!
See ya!


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