Skeletons & fireworks

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December 2nd 2008
Published: December 2nd 2008
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A five hour drive turned into a ten hour drive due to military check points and some upset workers who were drinking beers while blocking off the highway for three hours brings us to Oaxaca. Oaxaca's a sweet city, big city feel without the big city pains. There are a lot of artists and students here so there's a great vibe when you're walking around. It also happened to be a particular holiday inwhich fireworks are lit from all the different churches at all hours. Then we happened to run into a parade with lots of music, fireworks and general shenanigans. After a couple nights in Oaxaca we headed to Monte Alban which is an ancient city in ruins on top of a nearby mountain. We figure that the Mayans must have had great butts due to all the enormous stairs, its a good workout walking around the ruins.

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2nd December 2008

Hi favorite son
You certainly are doing a great job of sampling the local cuisine and trying to blend in with the locals. Glad that those singing lessons finally have seemed to pay off. Enjoying reading your blogg...the more details the better, I think. Miss you mucho!!!
2nd December 2008

I think this sensation that I'm feeling might just be jealousy...
3rd December 2008

Remember after you free Han Solo from the carbonite he wont be able to see for a while and generally be really weak until Jaba tries to throw you guys into the huge worm pit.
7th December 2008

Hola Adam!
We missed you at TG, but with the 49 guests that came in your place, we weren't too lonely! Looks like you're having a great time and thanks for the updates so we can all live vicarously through you!

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