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September 28th 2007
Published: September 28th 2007
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Sorry it's been a while since my last post, nothing has really happened other than settling into daily life here in Mexico. I now have a little baby relief as there is another volunteer who comes in the mornings specifically for the babies which is a relief as most of you know what I'm like with babies. My main concentration now is the Kinder kids who range from 3-6 years old which is a good age as I can inforce some english into them whilst their still young and impressionable. In the evenings I tend to help more with the boys as they're ALOT more of a handful....when i say look after the boys....this usually just involves me throwing them around in 'borranchinas' which is when i lift them up and spin them round in a circle. I really like this name as its from 'borracho' which is drunk and its called borranchinas as it makes you feel like you're drunk as you cant walk in a straight line!! They also like to jump all over me and have ruined 2 pairs of earings already in forgetting to take them out before starting to play with them. I still don't have much to do in the afternoons or the weekends, so tend to just go into the centre and look round the shops or come to the internet cafe and talk to people back home. Its nice that i can still keep in touch with everyone as I'm actually starting to miss a couple of you now!

I went to La Technologico today to sort out my work there and everyone is lovely. Alajendrina (the Boss) especially and is insisting that she will send someone to pick me up everyday so that I don't have to catch the bus, because i 'only deserve the best'. The other English teachers are great too and its a suprisingly young faculty onw of the teachers only being 22 which is great for me as she said she'll take me out next weekend. Teaching wise I will be teaching 5 classes in total and 4hours a day monday to thurday and 3 hours(perhaps more) on fridays. 2Begginner classes, and advanced class, a teachers class and tutoring session. My main focus will be one of the Begginner classes as they are aiming ot learn suficient English in2 months. At the end of this they will have an interview with Nissan and if their english is good enough they will have a job and if not then they dont, so the pressure is really on as they are already a month into the course, so i will be teaching them 9hours a week. The other classes i will only be teaching 2 1hour sessions per week, but with 4hours (again maybe more on a friday afternoon) of tutoring to whoever shows up. All I can say is i have a HELL of alot of planning to do for next week!!!

Other than that I dont really have much news, finding relationships with some of the older girls hard as I keep on being dragged into pettty arguments and am expected to take sides...then when i dont both sides end up getting angry with me...so it will be good to get out of the house for a bit with the poeple form the tec!! ALso am having a little bit of a problem with one of the boys...who keeps wanting to kiss me aaaaaaaaaaaaalll the time and once when i was playing with a group of them and a couple of them were sat on top of me so i couldnt move...he tried to open mouth kiss me...yes thats right a 10 y/o boy....i'm not really sure what to do...I've made it clear that its completely unacceptable for him to do that and he didnt talk to me yesturday because of this....so yeah if anyones got any advice that would be welcomed!! I'm also having MAJOR problems with the bugs!! there's a certain type of bug that they seem to have an infestation of heere. they're tiny and seem harmless enough but are hard to k9ill as have a tough shell and have a nasty little bite. They are also attracted to EVERYTHING white....literally i cant even leave toilet paper on the floor without them swarming to it...so you can imagine how they've taken to me!! fabulous....and its not even hot season yet!!

Thats it really....will keep you posted after I've started at the Tech as that is the most exciting thing i have coming up at the moment. Remember to all keep in touch!!


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