Durango, Mexico

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North America » Mexico » Durango
August 19th 2013
Published: August 22nd 2013
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Right after school ended, my family and I went to Durango. We always go to a ranch by Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango. Instead, we went to Durango, Durango, the city. This part of Durango was really cool. There was taco stands everywhere. In “El Centro” there is a lot of stores and restaurants. There was this one really big church that was over 100 years old. The church had bullet holes because of some battle that was going on at the time. Most of days there, I spent my time with one of my favorite cousins. I missed them a lot! I slept over their house almost every day. In the morning, my aunt would make us tortas which is a sandwich but better. They were delicious. Since most of my relatives live close by each other, we would always have cookouts at my great grandmother’s house. i didn’t want to leave Mexico. Everything was so perfect because of my family. The people are really nice and there is great food over there. I loved it.


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