Time spent in Canada

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September 17th 2006
Published: December 9th 2006
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Jail Cell OttawaJail Cell OttawaJail Cell Ottawa

Our cell in Ottawa, quite comfy actually
Hey there, right here is my first blog entry, some of you will probably have already read most of this as an email sent around a while ago but I thought I would put it all on my blog as well. Although I am going to concentrate on the stuff that I am doing now. Anyway here goes....

I made it to New York ok on September 11th..didn't see any massive security presence and trip was good. Then went by bus to Niagra Falls the following day and met up with my brother Owen who has been travelling around the world the other way for the past year. So we are travelling around together till next tuesday.

Having seen the water falls.... pretty big 34 million gallons a minute.... apparently if all the coke ever sold went over the falls it would take 48 hours (thats my fact of the day or more likely week!). Then we went to Toronto and then onto Ottawa which was a bit unfortunate as we ended up spending 2 nights in jail.......

Actually its a hostel that was converted when the jail closed in 1972. They still have all the cellls which you sleep in with barred doors and stuff. They even have the death row and the gallows there..they still work apparently!!.
Went for a night out in Ottawa and at end of night went for food, the locals told us we had to try this delicacy end of night out food from eastern canada called pouiton , which was just chips cheese and gravy so they were a bit dissapointed when we told them its old hat.

Have now travelled to Montreal, they all speak french which makes it a bit different. Will update you the montreal bit another day.


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Our Jail (Hostel)Our Jail (Hostel)
Our Jail (Hostel)

Yes its Canada and an old jail..

11th December 2006

wow .......you are adventurous.. I will be keeping in up with this. marycain bahamaheight.com
28th February 2007

nice start, will visit when i get there.

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