One more week til I become London's newest resident!

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July 29th 2009
Published: July 30th 2009
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One more week! One more week!

For 20 years, all I've known, I'm leaving behind. My house, my friends, my family -- will be thousands of miles away - while I go make something of myself in London town.

Don't get me wrong, I won't be TOTALLY alone in London. I have a couple of friends who live there right now, and c'mon, I love being thrown in a group where I know ZERO people. It's my favourite.

I've started packing, got some British pounds (which was cheaper this year, may I add), and I'll be equipped with my Ipod touch (Thanks Kuya!) I'll be fine.

I had my going away party last Friday, lots of people came by so wish me well, and good luck and all that.


But let's rewind -- how did I get to this point exactly?

A few months ago, January to be exact, my friend Rachelle moved to the UK thru SWAP. I played around with the idea in my mind -- wondering exactly how I would go about doing that, if by chance, I gathered up enough courage to do so.

I finished up school, I applied for some jobs (which if, I told myself, I didn't get, that I would do this SWAP thing), and went on about my way.

Ta-da, I didn't get the jobs.


So I did a re-evaluation of things.

I -- have been on this path since I could remember. 1-2-3-4-5 - do things in order because that's what you do. Go to school, highschool, university, get a job etc etc etc.

Do things in order. Luckily, I'm a capricorn - you don't have to tell me to do things in order. I just will do it. But then -- the capricornness in me, the ambition and drive reared its ugly head.

I'm 27, I still live at home, no debts, no commitments - M, you need an adventure. And that adventure was called SWAP.

So after 2.5 months of applications, and visas and pictures - I am now here. One week away from moving to England and living there for about two years.

My adventure begins.


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