How do we pack our life into four bags??

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June 26th 2007
Published: June 26th 2007
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Hey guys, sorry for the delay in posting our blog, but it has been a busy and stressful and exciting time for us.
We haven't taken many photos yet. SORRY!!

June 27th
So we have 5 days till we leave Canada….whoa!! The past year has gone by so fast. LOL. It seems like there is so much to do right before you leave and we have to make sure that we meet up with everyone before we leave, so the last two weeks have been so busy. Dinners, poker and more dinners….I even won $30 from Stephen and he has a whole year of knowing that…LOL.

I have been busy ripping dvd’s and completing any other computer, financial tasks while Brandi has been busy packing. Hopefully we don’t forget to do something. Both Brandi and I are feeling so tired, we have been trying to see all the people that we love, but we have so many of them. We have had dinners lunches and breakfasts…oh my. We have felt the love and we will miss everyone, although we are excited to be off on this adventure just the two of us.

We are booked on the 4pm Air Canada flight to Vancouver and from there we are flying straight to Sydney. We actually packed early, but all of our bags are overweight. So Brandi and I had to give up some clothes, shampoo etc. No big deal. We knew that we would have to pay so….we just added a 5th bag. Packing for a year is hard.


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