Well of Ocean

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February 26th 2013
Published: February 26th 2013
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HI Frinds,

Here we go: Enjoying my time here in Canadia. Why am I here? Because I am here. No really, I am here because Ajahn Punnadhammo, the abbot here at Arrow River, came to Knoxville and inspired me. 2012 was a rough year, but I good rough. After much study and learning, and coming out of my self I was awoken spiritually in, perhaps a way I have never before, a Buddhist way you might say. In college, it was a Christian way, having a devout Christian roommate I had a similar experience then as I did now. This time around I did not sleep for three days and had a mind opening experience. THe Buddhist might call it Stream Entry, or being exposed to the Ultimate Nature of Mind. So, I am here and learning much more about Buddhism and myself, which is good right? I am enjoying the solitude, and the winter, and cooking for the four of us (usually. Sometimes Esco goes into town and skips the meal.) We have a once a week Dhamma talk oni Sunday (like church service. Dhamma means teaching). Tuesday is the Book Club, today in fact. Still reading The Tibetan Book of Lving and Dying, a thorough read. Monday and Friday are "Sauna Days". Wednesday or Thursday, or Saturday I will go shopping.

I found some good radio stations too. I get six of them from out in the boonies (approx 50 miles, or how many Kilometers?, from Thunder Bay). They have excellent Jazz, classic rock, and something called the World Cafe where they were playing music from Nashville! the other day. The station is called CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) 2. So, I jam out from time to time.

Well, I have nine minutes. Here is some poetry and song:

Well of Ocean

Stream of mind

Stream of consciousness

When does it stop?

Where does it begin?

Stream of well

Water from a dell

Where it comes

where does it go?

It takes energy to bring up the water

Hand movements, exhaustive

If done, overdone

Stream of consciousness

Stream of well-being

Does it work

to be well?

Well of water

bring it up, bring it up

Nourish, provide hope to all

Stream of water


Coime from ground

Soaping up, up, up

then down, down, down

What brings it up?



Natural comings and goings

Stream of well being

being well

talk natural clam relaxed


pull, push-push, pull

the well goes

belong to no one

be, simply be

Well of Ocean

more later.



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