Before I go...

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March 1st 2008
Published: March 1st 2008
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Hey, jut making an initial entry on this blog. It's the day before I head over to Vancouver for my flight and I'm finishing up all my last-minute preparations. Have everything packed up, but I still need to call the Hong Kong Tourism board about the classes they offer.

I am getting slightly nervous, but not nearly as much as I thought I'd be. More excited than anything. I'm really looking forward to hiking on Lantau and Lamma Island (short ferry ride out of Hong Kong). I've been looking at this Lonely Planet Hong Kong book, and it recommends a couple of good restaurant right outside of the hostel I'm staying at, which I was pretty happy about. It mean I can sort-of not worry about finding some (relatively cheap) place to eat in Mongkok right away.

Which reminds me, I have to photocopy/write down some of those pages in those books. Yaaaay.

Anyway, since I haven't really left yet, there is nothing extraordinarily interesting to say. My parents are taking me out to a goodbye dinner tonight, and Kim will (probably) be down for it, so that's nice. Next time you hear from me, it will be after a 14-hour flight, and I will be in Hong Kong!

Cheers for not-particularly-interesting first entries!


4th March 2008

Ahso Jilly Beans
Glad to hear from Jill, Thank you. we were just talking about you when your e-mail came through. Hope your flight went well....very long I bet. How are your accomadations? Weather? We miss you already, but have a wonderful time and I'll talk to you later Love Mom
6th March 2008

OH Jill!!!!! Just want to wish you luck and much happiness on your amazing trip!!!! Hope to hear an update soon!!!! TTYL! Britt

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