Plans and things

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August 15th 2013
Published: August 15th 2013
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I didn't really go into this trip with a real set plan which probably contributed to the feeling of being a little lost and not really knowing what I was doing here that I was having a couple of weeks ago. 12 months is a long time to try and plan so my work in progress plan was to stay in Vancouver until christmas and just find a place to live, get a job and just live in the city for a few months.

I got the finding a place to live thing out of the way pretty quick but the whole finding a job and just getting into that routine doesn't really seem like something I want to do. For starters all my experience is in office work which is great if I want to get into temping and do some admin (which I don't) but it does make me uniquely unqualified to do anything else. So I have a new plan! (subject to change as always)

I'm going to keep my room at the house until the End of September. I have a few things going on in Vancouver in August and a couple of shorts trips out that I'm in the process of planning and then I'm heading down to Seattle and California in the middle of September for a few days so I'll keep this as my home base.

Then in October I'm going off to live and work on a farm for about 4 weeks. It's very exciting and really gives me a chance to do something different. It's a voluntary scheme called wwoofing and the way it works is that you volunteer to go work on a farm and the farm owners provide you with accomodation and all your meals in return for the work. It's a long established scheme - for anyone that is now panicking and picturing the episode of the simpsons when Bart goes to France (or worse) - and I've done my research and looked into previous volunteers experience and think I've found a great place to go. The farm is called Dragonfly Acres and they breed horses there. I'm picturing lots of hard work in probably quite crappy weather but i think it's going to be great :-)

That placement will get me towards the end of October and then I have a couple of other farms I'm in contact with to maybe set up a couple of weeks for November and after that I will be heading to the East coast again where I will hopefully be able to go see the Bowie exhibit in Toronto that I couldn't get a ticket to see in London and I might plan in a little trip to Quebec City and maybe out to see the maritimes in winter (there is a burger place in Halifax that has been on my to do list for too long) and then I'll go to Ottawa for the 3 BnL symphony shows before flying home for Christmas on the 16th of December.

That's about as far as my plans go for now!


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