T minus 600 hours untill departure

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September 6th 2006
Published: September 6th 2006
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Roz & Carina Big adventure

GoodBye Calgary!!! Hello Fun!!!

Hello everyone, thats right 600 hrs, (which is roughly 3.5 weeks) untill we have to say goodbye to all of you... but don't worry we'll be back with tons of exciting stories in just a few months!!

This is just the first blog we are putting up so every can become accustomed to how this works. If you haven't yet, scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit subscribe. That way you'll receive a notification each time we post a blog.

There will be stories and pictures and opportunities to write back to us.

Also we have having what we hope will be a huge party at the unicorn on the 30th of September. Hope to see everyone there!!!!


1st October 2006

Miava.. have lots of fun.. enjoy experiencing all of the different cultures... be safe..
4th October 2006

smelly travellers
Hey gals, hope you're having a blast! Miss ya! I WANT POSTCARDS.. STAT

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