Blogs from Marmara, Turkey, Middle East - page 179


Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 28th 2006

Long trip to Istanbul (12 hours) - only real break was at a gas station buffet where the food was very very very dodgy…complaints to tour guide fell on deaf ears - he just doesn’t give a rats arse. On the way back to Istanbul we stopped in Busra to visit the Mosque (probably seen enough of these now!) and to visit the famous Silk Bazaar - Mum and Elise would have loved the Bazaar, there were hundreds of wedding stores!!! We had a fantastic group dinner and lots of drinks in the party strip of Istanbul - our last official night together as a Tour Group. ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 27th 2006

Geo: 41.0078, 28.813Again the weather in Istanbul is beautiful- sunny and no need for a jumper. This afternoon I did the Istanbul city tour on an open double decker bus. It was a great way to orientate yourself with the city- should have done this a few days ago. Went past all the major sites. Saw the long section of the old city wall and gates. Then went into the Aya Sophia- another old church with many mosaics. In the middle supporting the dome was the biggest piece of scaffolding that was covered in dust and has been there for a long time. At 6pm went down to the foyer and met my tour leader and the others that were joining the group in Istanbul. There were three of us newbies. Katie the tour leader spoke ... read more
02 Another mosque
03 Galata Bridge
04 Old city wall

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 26th 2006

Turkey (the best trip yet) This was an amazing trip. On Friday night I arrived in Istanbul with Darci, Tyler and Jamie, and we meet Lauren there (my friend from home who is studying in Cario, in case you don’t know her). Lauren stayed till Sunday though was not able to join us for the second part of the trip. This trip is so hard to sum up in words though I will do my best… SATURDAY Palace: The first day we went around the city and to the place that the sultan and his harem used to live. It was just a bunch of rooms with expensive furniture and paintings. It was cool at first but got dull by the end. I could never live in a place like that. There were so many elegant ... read more
Great Bagels
The girls infront of the Blue Mosque
Dacri and Tyler by the water

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 26th 2006

26th April Today was a complete right off as I didn’t get up till 2:30 and I would have slept later if i didn't ask the people in the hostel what the time was. So all I did all day was some shopping, checked out the hippodrome, read a newspaper whilst drinking my hot chocolate and just chilled. On the way to meet the guys from the ANZAC tour, walking down the main street I politely smile at a man in one of the shops. Next thing he comes running behind me telling me I have a nice jumper! He walks with me down the street harmlessly chatting away until he puts his arm around me, so I move it and tell him “I don’t think so” and he explains that Turkish men are friendly!!! Then ... read more
Brisy Boys i met
Simit anyone?
Yes please!!!

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 26th 2006

This is a favourite place of ours, absolutely stunning sights, friendly people (even over friendly!), the first hotel we stayed in since Rome and the longest stop on our tour (3 days). We were staying very close to city centre and all the attractions which was fantastic to be able to walk everywhere we wanted. Arriving in Istanbul after a long drive from Gallipoli (couldn't get much sleep on the bus) we were running on empty. On our way we found out we needed a visa for Romania (apparently we hadn't read our paperwork properly and everyone else had got their visas before the tour started) - we weren't the only ones who didn't have it, Sam and Jude were in the same boat too(so to speak). We had to get passport photos taken (looking really ... read more
The Underground Cistern
Medusa's head
A night walk thought the city

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 26th 2006

Geo: 41.0078, 28.813I am slowly catching up on lost sleep after going to Gallipoli. Had a great sleep in this morning. In the afternoon I treated myself to a big lunch of grilled salmon and an iced coffee- was one of the greatest meals I have had for a while. A few metres away was the Basilica Cistern. There are 28 columns and it was built in 532. There is water at the bottom and quite a few fish. The pathway was very slippery- especially for me because I was wearing thongs. Now and then water dripped on my head from the ceiling. It was literally a cool place to spend some time.Walked over to the Blue Mosque to see the courtyard- as our useless guide didn't take us there. Saw the Obelisk of Theodosius- which ... read more
02 The ceiling
03 Garden
04 Courtyard

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli April 25th 2006

The next morning it did take 5 hours of driving to arrive at Anzac Cove and Line Pine. It was two days before Anzac Day and it was great to walk about the beautiful area when it was quiet. While our tour manager knew a fair bit about the area, his struggle with the English language and worrying about tour co-ordination meant that we didn’t learn much, but reading the headstones and plaques, seeing the trenches, hills and beaches was enough to know what went down there. We went to a museum of artefacts from the war including many photos. One of Morat’s best stories was about in June 1915 when a ceasefire was called to clean up and bury the dead and the Aussies got their first look at the Turks, and the Turks let ... read more
Lone Pine Crowd
Anzac Eve On Beach

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 25th 2006

Well I’m back in the UK after my trip to Turkey! 22nd April I flew out of London last Saturday early and arrived in Istanbul lunchtime. It’s an amazing city and prettier than I imagined, although I think that probably was due to the sunshine that I hadn't experienced in a while. Being spring there were tulips everywhere on the drive from the airport. The traffic was also an eye opening experience! No lane markings and everyone tends to drive with a little bit of a death wish which became even more interesting once you add a coach and a few semi-trailers into the mix of down town traffic. The hotel we were staying in, was well let me say, "quaint" in the way real estate agents describe things. No electricity when we arrived but it ... read more
The Blue Mosque Ista nbulTurkey

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 25th 2006

Cold! Cold! Cold! Little sleep during the night due to the crowded and very very cold conditions @ Anzac Cove. There were estimated to be between 8,000 to 10,000 people - the organisers had apparently only been expecting between 5,000-6,000 people this year with the increased security and tighter alcohol controls. We have a great position - corner of the stage right on the edge of the Cove with the Sphinx directly behind us - quite spectacular. An amazingly serene sunset last night. During the night the organisers provided Bands (playing music from the period Circa 1915), Andrew Denton interviews and a number of short videos about the landing and the campaign. It is hard to truly appreciate the magnitude of what the Anzacs faced - at least until you see and experience it yourself. It ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 25th 2006

Matt: There’s a couple of things that every Australian living in Europe is obliged to do while here. Most of these involve sporting events, alcohol, nudity or a combination of all three. Spending Anzac Day at Gallipoli is one of the few exceptions. Our Anzac adventure, started like most of our previous trips: an urgent dash home after work on a Friday afternoon, a lightening fast shower, a quick change of clothes and a tube ride across town to Heathrow. Unusually for us, we made it to the airport with more than 15 minutes to spare and so sat back for a couple of drinks and waited for Greer, Kate, Kelly, Lisa, Vicky and Miranda who were joining us on our pilgrimage. We all ended up arriving in Istanbul at around midnight, collected our bags and ... read more
Topkapi Palace
Topkapi Palace
Farewell my Concubine(s)

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