Blogs from South, Syria, Middle East - page 11


Middle East » Syria » South » Bosra September 5th 2008

24 Aug - almost recovered and able to face the day exploring Damascus. Although poor Ali has had to bale out. First, we visit the National Museum which has amazing artifacts from 1500-2000BC, including a tablet with the first recognised alphabet, as well as a reconstructed family tomb from Palmyeira, which is very poignant. Mind boggling to think back so many years in history and religion. Next, we visit the colourful Railway Station and Hammadiyeh Suq before exploring the Ommayad Mosque (including the shrine of Saladdin). This is probably the most stunning mosque I've seen, due it's size, decor, being able to hear the call to prayer while sitting in the courtyard, watching the muslims carry out their ablutions and then watching the men / women and children praying. An amazing experience I won't forget. Also ... read more

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus September 5th 2008

23 Aug - after the excitement of the birthday celebrations yesterday, today was marred by lack of sleep due to the Syrian skits and severe spasmodic cramping. It had to happen eventually I suppose - immodium anyone?? Great, a whole day of travelling ahead of us too. However, turned out a lot of the group were 'affected', including the driver (!!) so thankfully there were frequent stops during our journey along 'the road to Damascus'. We drive to the waterwheels at Hama, but they weren't working due to the drought conditions of the summer. Tour round Krak des Chevaliers, the best preserved Crusader Castle in the Middle East. Explored various chambers and different levels of the fortification but couldn't quite get the full level of appreciation for this amazing site due to my delicate state and ... read more

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus September 5th 2008

Nachdem ich mich die Nacht - wie Dennis schon erwaehnte - mit Fieber rumplagen durfte, ging es mir heute erstaunlich besser. Was wir am ersten Tag festgestellt hatten, bestaetigte sich auch heute: Damascus ist gross, laut, dreckig und stinkt. Und es gibt tagsueber wenig zu essen. Zum Glueck jedoch ist e shier nicht all zu schlimm, denn Dennis und ich gingen auf die Jagd und erbeuteten Brote, Bananen und eine riesige Wassermelone. Joschka blieb weiter auf dem Zimmer und wechselte seinen Standort nur mit einer Rolle Klopapier. Eigentlich war eine Stadtbesichtigung geplant, aber nach unserem Einkauf und einem Fruehstueck im Hotel, das wir uns eigentlich haetten sparen koennen, beschlossen wir uns diesen Tag noch aus zu ruhen. Also passierte wenig spannendes, ausser dem Wassermelonenwettessen zwischen Dennis und mir. Zumindest nicht bis zum Sonnenuntergang. Der Muhezin bruellte ... read more

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus September 5th 2008

Was im einen Titel klingt wie ein schnullziger Film mit Meg Ryan und Tom Hanks der einmal im Jahr auf Sat1 wiederholt oder im anderen Titel wie ein billiger Pornofilm, ist fuer eure drei Lieblings Fs bittere Realitaet. Es liegt doch im Schatten waren noch die Worte unseres Fuehrers als Step und ich sofort los noergelten, wegen der fehlenden Klimaanlage. Und wer war es, der als erster seine Hose auszog, als wir erschoepft bzw. von der Hitze gebeutelt ankamen und eine Portion Schlaf wollten? Richtig, unserer Fuehrer! Aber bevor ich jetzt weiter auf unserem Fuehrer rumhacke, muss ich ihm Recht geben, dass es zumindest laut Lonely Planet, dessen Damaskusabschnitt ich waehrend der ersten Schlafphase eingehend studiert hab, nicht mit Klimaanlage in unserer Preisklasse gab. Wir haetten hoechstens noch den Preis druecken koennen. Die Magenprobleme unseres Fuehrers ... read more

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus September 4th 2008

*=Damaskus Mal wieder tote Steine und chaotischer Verkehr! Nachdem wir es gestern ja doch noch bis nach Palmyra geschafft haben und das erste Hotel das wir gefunden haben, dann auch noch ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhaeltnis hatte, hatten wir ein klimatisiertes Zimmer mit Bad und Blick auf die Mittelalterliche Burg von Palmyra. Lecker Essen gabs auch noch gleich um die Ecke zu einem eben so gutem Preis-Leistungs-Verhaeltnis. Eine bestellte Hauptspeise wurde von einer Suppe, einem Cay und Honigmelonen begleitet. Aber danach hopp hopp ins Bettchen und fuer morgen ausgeruht. Die ersten Auswirkungen des Syrischen Essens machten sich bei J bemerkbar und sollten spaeter auch noch Step einholen. Nach einem spartanischen Fruehstueck gings ab nach Palmyra. Was soll man sagen, ..., naja es ist halt die Hauptattraktion Syriens, doch letzten Endes waren es auch nur to... read more
Der Tempel des Baals
Normale Verkehrssituation

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus September 3rd 2008

Grabados antiguos de Damasco, Şam eski gravurler.... read more
Rio Barada
Ciudadela, Kale
Calle recta

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus August 28th 2008

We have been spending some time in Damascus taking a closer look at some of Syria’s history. On the outskirts of the city, just off the road to the bus station, stands a memorial to a very sensitive event known here as the 6 October War, but more commonly known globally as the Yom Kippur War. In 1968 Syria lost control of the Golan Heights during the six day war with Israel. On 6 October 1973 Syria’s armed forces were deemed strong enough by the president to try to recapture their territory. A bloody battle ensued and many soldiers on both sides gave their lives. It is not our place in this blog to comment on the rights or wrongs of actions in this region, past or present, so we are just going to tell you ... read more
SAM missiles
MiG 21"Fishbed"
MI8 "Hip" Helicopter

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus August 28th 2008

With time running out we have been trying to finish off what’s left of Syria’s ancient history for us to see. That’s involved going to some familiar places as well as exploring some new areas of the city for us. Returning to the National Museum of Damascus was strange. Our guide book recommended visiting when you first arrive and then once again before leaving, once you have seen the original sites of the collection. We feel this is good advice as we really enjoyed both of our visits. This time we got a bit more time to see the detail inside the Synagogue from Doura Europos, although the frescoes have clearly faded more since our guide book was written. We also managed to go down to the Tomb of Yarhai. This had been closed on our ... read more
Beautiful Ceilings
Striped Mosque

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus August 28th 2008

Well, I managed to get across the border into Syria. It actually went exactly as I expected so it ended up not being that bad of a day. We woke up at 6:30 am and headed to the bus station. The bus, which cost only about $1 US more than the rest was incredible. We're talking airplane first class status; big, leather seats, tons of legroom. As the driver came took the tickets while we boarded, he ranted in half English something along the lines of, "no visa... USA... I am sure... no chance." I told him I already bought the ticket so I'm testing my luck at the border at this point. I tried to stay awake to catch the scenery on the way up to the border but it was tough. After about 90 ... read more
Souk 2

Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus August 25th 2008

Kjaere venner, naa er det lenge siden dere har hoert fra oss. Vi har hatt travle dager, og beveget oss inn i Syria, et land der facebook forbys og der telefonene vaare ikke finner dekning. Men naa skal dere endelig faa hoere litt om vaar reise fra Istanbul til Damaskus. Jeg hadde hoert gode ord om bussreise i Tyrkia paa forhaand, og vaar foerste lange busstur ble en blandet fryd. Vi trodde vi hadde bestilt billetter med en vanlig buss som gikk fra busstasjonen, men ble tatt med til den blaa moske, hvor bussen og en droess andre turister stod og ventet. Alle skulle med samme nattbuss til Goreme. Paa bussen fikk vi rikelig med vann, te, kaffe og kake, og bussen hadde to stopp paa natta, hvor mannskap og passasjerer fikk en velfortjent tisse- og ... read more
I undergrunnsbyen
En fristerinne i fjellklosteret
Yndlingen og Froeken Volley

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