Blogs from Lebanon, Middle East - page 16


Middle East » Lebanon » Beirut August 30th 2008

Vi har forflyttet oss vestover, folkens, baade i direkte og overfoert betydning, og sitter naa paa en internettkafe ved siden av et stort sykehus i Libanons herrrlige hovedstad, Beirut. Vi dro til Libanon paa onsdag, en tur som skulle vise seg aa bli dyrere, mer langvarig men mer begivenhetsrik enn foerst ventet. Maalet for dagen var byen Tyre (eller Sour), som ligger 80 km soer for Beirut. Vi kom oss fram til busstasjonen i Damaskus, der det sto baade store busser, smaa busser og drosjebiler. Alle hadde lyst til aa kjoere oss til Libanon. Noen hadde riktignok lyst aa kjoere oss til Jordan, men det gikk vi ikke med paa. Etter aa ha diskutert alt fra hurtighet til benplass, air condition og tid paa grensen, fant vi ut at aa ta en drosje til Beirut var ... read more

Middle East » Lebanon » Beirut August 16th 2008

After five fun-filled days, we decided to spend the sixth and seventh days just relaxing. So we spent Saturday and Sunday at the day at the house in Roumieh. Hani has always raved about his mother's homemade pizza, so I finally got to taste it. And it really is just as good as he described it. So we lounged, ate pizza, and Hani and Kamil played backgammon with Saad. Backgammon is a serious event in the Saad household. Both boys accuse Saad of cheating incessantly and arguing and laughing can be heard across the house as they hash out the game. I played backgammon against Saad, and with the help of Hani and Kamil, I actually won. Though Saad complained heavily about the help that I received. On Sunday, we again relaxed with good food. This ... read more
Lebanon 2008 045
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Middle East » Lebanon » Beirut August 16th 2008

On the eighth day of our trip we visited the infamous cedars of Lebanon. These are the same cedars that King Solomon built his temple with in the Bible. It was quite a ride to get to the cedars, but they were definitely worth it. We walked a trail through the trees to see the beautiful landscape and forest. We then visited the shops that lined the roads in that area to buy gifts and souvenirs. After returning home, we met some of Hani's friends at a restaurant in town. Again, there was more food than you could possibly eat (at this point I had figured that out and stopped trying). It was a neat restaurant with a tented roof and long tables with benches. It was perfect for a big group to get together for ... read more
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Middle East » Lebanon » Beirut August 12th 2008

After relaxing at the beach in Jbail, we returned the next day to check out the ruins of Jbail. The city was inhabited by the Phoenicians circa 5000 bc. It was named Byblos by the Greeks. It is located right on the Mediterranean coast with spectacular views. After Hani's sister yelled at the the worker for trying to charge me more for being a foreigner, we made it into Byblos. We spent the afternoon wandering in and out of the ruins. After exploring the ruins, we headed to the "souk" or market. The marketplace is probably a tourist trap, but I loved it. I just couldn't get enough of the beautiful hand-stitched tablecloths. Famished from shopping, we stopped at a lovely seafood restaurant with one of the most amazing views of the entire trip. At the ... read more
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Middle East » Lebanon » Beirut August 11th 2008

For our fourth day in Lebanon we decided to relax at the beach in Jbail. Amazingly, the beach is only 30 minutes from the mountains. We found a great spot to relax on the sandy beach and take a swim in the warm water of the Mediterranean. Because the climate of Lebanon is hot and humid during the summer, the beach was a welcome respite. The weather was definitely dependable in Lebanon; you can count on the hot, muggy days. It doesn't rain in the summer, so we never had to worry about bad weather ruining our plans. After drinking in our share of sun, we were invited to dinner by Hani's neighbors in Roumieh, Carla and her family. The dinner had wonderful food- delicious kabobs, fresh tabouleh, fries, nuts, watermelon, and much more. They also ... read more
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Middle East » Lebanon » Beirut August 11th 2008

For our third day in Lebanon, we visited the Basilica of St. Paul and Harissa. The Basilica is Greek Catholic church, and it's amazing beautiful. The mosaic artwork is stunning. Harissa is a large statue of the virgin Mary above the town of Jounieh. She's referred to as Our Lady of Lebanon or Notre Dame du Liban. Many people will walk the long windy road to reach the statue each year as a religious pilgrimage. While we drove up the hill to the statue, we did climb the stairs to the top of Harissa. The view from the top was amazing. ... read more
Lebanon 2008 051
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Middle East » Lebanon » Beirut August 11th 2008

After a good night's sleep, we drove up to Roumieh, the mountain town where Hani and Hani's brother have a home. On the highway, I had my first realy glimpse of Lebanese driving. Driving in a lane is optional, lines don't exist, reverse is always an option, and exit ramps may or may not exist. We then turned onto a tiny, curvy road that reminded me of the back roads in many places in West Virginia. Soon we entered the village of Roumieh. The temperature was noticably cooler even though we were only 15 minutes from downtown. Instantly I fell in love with the big Lebanese homes. The homes are passed down through the family, and have distinctive details you can't find in any McMansion. The rooms are spacious with high ceilings, so they have a ... read more
Lebanon 2008 031
Lebanon 2008 032
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Middle East » Lebanon » Beirut August 11th 2008

From the day I met Hani, he told me about his beautiful Lebanon. Finally, five years after meeting, we traveled together to Lebanon where I met his immediate family for the first time. Our first attempt to travel to Lebanon on May 10th was squelched when fighting erupted just days prior to our departure. The airport was closed, so our trip was cancelled. We prayed the situation would calm down and soon it did. We then crossed our fingers and booked another trip for June. We drove to Washington, DC on Saturday, June 28th, flew for 13 hour to Qatar, spent 13 hours in Qatar's airport, then flew 3 hours to Lebanon. We arrived on Monday June 30. Lebanon is 7 hours ahead, so we arrived around 11 am. After a tearful greeting at the airport ... read more
Downtown Beirut
dinner in Beirut at la Ballad

Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek July 15th 2008

Baalbek, en árabe Ba'lbakk (بعلبك), es actualmente una localidad del Líbano de 25.000 habitantes a unos 200 km al este de Beirut. En la antigüedad fue un santuario fenicio dedicado al dios Baal; fue ciudad griega, y a partir de la época de los seléucidas se le llamó Heliópolis, siendo colonia romana desde Augusto. Es uno de los yacimientos arqueológicos más importantes del cercano oriente, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1984. Es notable una zona de templos de entre los siglos I-III d.C. en honor de la Tríada heliopolitana: Júpiter, Mercurio y Venus. Las primeras excavaciones se iniciaron hacia 1900. En 1898 la visitó el Kaiser Guillermo de Prusia. Baalbek (Arapça: بعلبك) Lübnan'ın Bekaa Vadisi'nde kalan bir şehridir. Selahattin Eyyubi bu şehirde doğmuştur. Ayrıca bu şehir, 1984 yılında UNESCO tarafından koruma altına ... read more

Middle East » Lebanon » Beirut July 9th 2008

Since the first time I swam in the mediterrean I've loved it. The water is so salty that floating is effortless. We finally made it to the beach on Wed near Trabajar. Most of the sandy beaches are north of Beirut but this one had some small rocks prior to getting into the water. It was an idyllic place as witnessed by these pictures (although there's something wrong with the camera because it wasn't quite that blue!)... read more
Now this is paradise
The Mediterrean

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