Blogs from South, Jordan, Middle East - page 13


Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra March 30th 2014

Today is the day. I'm so excited! I've been wanting to see Petra for ages and I was so ready to get this adventure started! We had a good breakfast at Bait Ali Camp, where they baked us bread, made me eggs, and allowed me to sip some good tea in peace. Then it was time to high tail it to Petra! We chugged our way up the big grade out of Wadi Rum area and into the hills, where we veered left for the road to Petra. Holy crap - I knew there were some mountains, but this road reminded me of the Santa Monica Mountains between the 101 and the Bu. And we were going 100 kph (Matt was driving...) There was a cool sign where there is an incline and a car heading ... read more
The treasury
Garden temple
The Monastery

Middle East » Jordan » South » Wadi Rum March 29th 2014

Matt and I slept in a little and got a good breakfast at our hotel (Century Park). We were able to get on the road around 9am and headed south towards Wadi Rum. Yep. It was pretty much all desert on the way there - I drove the whole way and it was nice to have a road trip without too many crazies trying to kill me. We took the Desert Highway down, which was not in the best condition and had speedbumps that came seemingly out of nowhere. However, I became an expert in recognizing and expecting them - generally at the edges of town. Generally the ride was desert, but as you approach the Wadi Rum area, you come across a spectacular view of the valley below. We were a little lost when we ... read more
Wadi Rum
Bait Ali Camp
Choo-choo-train sign

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra February 11th 2014

*8th Feb – got to the airport from Dubai very swiftly as well as through check in and security, the man behind the desk assumed I was going back to London and looked very shocked when I said I was going on to Amman. All very smooth, got to the gate and met a Canadian couple going on a G Adventures tour too. They happened to be sitting in front of me on the plane. The view was great from start to finish. Saw Dubai from the air, including the Burj Khalifa, Burj al arab and the Palm. Was beautiful. Then as we got closer to Amman we flew over a desert, looked so so vast. Got to the Liwan Hotel, which is lovely so far , shared a taxi with the Canadians then checked in, ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra January 5th 2014

"I live in a neighbourhood so bad that you can get shot while getting shot." Chris Rock So lies Jordan, the quiet cul-de-sac of calm and serenity within the rough neighbourhood of the Middle East. It sits impassively trying to ignore the noisy neighbours it borders (Syria, Iraq, Israel and Egypt, plus Lebanon around the corner), plays peacemaker when tempers start to fray and accepts newcomers to the area when they try to escape their own streets. A country that straddles the holiest lands mentioned throughout the Bible and Quran that at every turn has a story about Moses, Jesus or Mohamed. A land that has seen Persians, Babylonians, Greeks, Nabateans, Romans, Islam and Ottomans all passing through leaving their mark. The result of all this is a small country that punches well above its weight ... read more
Dead Sea floating
Wadi Rum sunset
Good eating-Amman

Middle East » Jordan » South » Aqaba December 31st 2013

I’ve met some great people through this blog, twitter and other social media outlets. One person in particular stands out as someone whom I feel especially lucky to have met, the talented creator behind For The Intolerants, JoAnna. JoAnna and I have a lot of similar interests, as do many travel bloggers; exploring exotic lands, sampling global cuisine, merging into bizarro cultures, but ultimately we share a unique idiosyncrasy, a sort of fervor for the Middle East. A keystone in my mission being to deflate nasty stereotypes revolving around the Arab world, I found it fitting when JoAnna approached me to wri... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Aqaba December 19th 2013

Hello my fellow travellers! So, my time in Jordan has come to an end. This was an amazing trip, even though there were quite some things that we didn't manage to see. That's how it is though, there isn't enough time to see everything in the world I'm afraid. Still, I might return here one day and use Jordan as a base to visit the neighbouring countries once the region has calmed down again and then I'll probably visit some of these places again as well as those I didn't visit this time around, there is a lot to see here such as the desert castles, the place where Jesus was baptised, Moses burial grounds and so on. After having returned home I did indeed find out that our Wadi Rum guide kinda skimped on us ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra December 18th 2013

Hello again my fellow travellers! Where do I begin when all has been amazing? Probably at the beginning I suppose. Today we made our way to Petra and just as with Wadi Rum we decided to go by taxi so we asked a driver outside how much he wanted to take us there and back again and to wait for us for six hours. He said 80JD for both so 40JD each which we thought was a good price. The driver was a really nice guy who made an otherwise quite dreary ride highly enjoyable with good conversation and challenging riddles. If we had gotten four out of five correct the ride would have been free, but alas, our meagre minds only managed to solve two! He dropped us off and we entered into Petra, the ... read more
Al Khazna (Treasury)
Street of Facades

Middle East » Jordan » South December 17th 2013

Hello there all happy travellers! This day was pretty much just about getting from point A to point B. We left Amman at 11pm without incident. Before we left we decided to give the small theatre next to the huge theatre one final shot since I really wanted to look inside it since it's supposed to be quite well preserved. But, unfortunately the Odeon was still closed so I didn't get to see it, I'm a bit of an unhappy swede after that, oh well. I guess I'll just have to cherish the images from Gerasa instead! On the way to the bus station we did check out a couple of mosques as well as a church though and some of those were quite impressive. The first one we stopped by was one that we checked ... read more
City Walls
King Abdullah I Mosque
Saint George Coptic Church

Middle East » Jordan » South » Wadi Rum December 14th 2013

Hello my fellow travellers! Today's great desert adventure is done and let me tell you, it was good! The cold front still holds its icy grip here though so I can promise you that it was very cold riding on top of a jeep, even when driving through the canyons at a leisure pace! Anyway, we started this day by trying out the breakfast buffet at the hotel, it didn't really float mine nor Marcus boat so to say but did it's job anyway. Then we went to the bus station to catch the bus to Wadi Rum. We had checked the day before and we also confirmed at the station house that the bus would go. When we got there a cab driver told us it wasn't coming though since it was a holiday and ... read more
Jumping Sand Dunes
Wadi Rum
Our Guide & Ride

Middle East » Jordan » South » Aqaba December 13th 2013

Hello fellow travellers! After our booze bonanza yesterday we unfortunately woke up way past breakfast and therefore we missed our Saudi Arabian friend from yesterday. Instead we chose the not so glamorous option to eat at McDonald's. At least it did its job and got us back on our feet which in all honesty was quite shaky after a long day of travelling topped with a generous amount alcohol. With some food in our belly we then set out to explore Aqaba. I'm going to be honest and say that there isn't that much to see here but we started with the Aqaba Archaeological Museum. It's a quite small museum and it doesn't house to many objects but the entry fee was only 1 JD so of course it was worth it. The museum is actually ... read more
Al-Sharif Al-Hussein Bin Ali Mosque
Aqaba Archaeological Museum
Old Islamic Ayla

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