Jordan - Wadi Rum

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Middle East » Jordan » South » Wadi Rum
April 10th 2008
Published: April 27th 2008
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Wow, another new country. Jordan is lovely, mostly clean and tidy, organised and the food is great so far!

Spent the night camping under the stars in Wadi Rum, home of Lawerence of Arabia and so many epic stories. It's beautiful in a stunning, stark kind of way.

Got to drive in the truck cab for the day, which was cool. A different view of the world from there, and not so bumpy!

In the Wadi Rum park area we took a 4WD expedition around for a few hours, which was the best way to see it all! The rocks are all so huge, and everything is varying shades of red, pink, orange and rust. And so much sand!

We came across some local women with their goat herds, which really added to the atmosphere. Lawrence of Arabia's house is still partially standing, but not liveable anymore. It's a long way from anywhere, especially in the days before Toyota Landcruisers, so he must have really liked his solitude and the occasional company of roving arabs.

There's not a lot to say about rocks and desert, so I'll leave you to look at the photos and remember that the camera doesn't do justice to such grand scale scenery!

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